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Taraji Henson

This house looked gorgeous. When I was pulling up, my jaw had dropped at the home before me.

The exterior was all white with grey accents. I could tell that the inside of the house was beautiful as well from the ceiling to floor windows. There were balconies above my head. Even the drive way was enchanting. It was laid out with gray bricks.

The door opened and a brown skinned, short haired, woman stood before me with a baby in her hand.

I recognized her from the contact picture that came in when mama sent her contact.

I spoke when her whole face came into view.

"Hi. I'm Taraji, Bernice's daughter, but im sure you know that already." I chuckled.

"Well yes," she smiled. "It's nice to meet you honey, I mean technically we've met already but I'm Fantasia and this doll right here, Is Keziah." She turned her body a little so I can see the baby's face.

"Oh my" I cooed.

She was definitely correct. Her baby looked like an absolute doll. She had big brown eyes that were like pools and the chubbiest cheeks that made me understand why elders pinched them.

She had some features of Ms. Barrino but I could tell that her daddy's genes overpowered her mom's.

"She's beautiful" I told her.

Ms. Barrino turned back around and welcomed me into her home.

I walked in and the inside was even more beautiful. You could tell she decorated it though, it still felt like a home.

I felt some of the anger and frustration towards my mama exit my mind.

Ms. Barrino yelled across the house "Zion, go wake your brother up!"

I didn't hear a response but i heard footsteps on the second floor.

"Would you like a water or something else to drink Taraji?"

"No ma'am, Thank you though." I spoke.

"Are you sure baby?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am" I really wasn't thirsty, I was more so hungry because I didn't get to finish my breakfast this morning

She chuckled before replying. "You don't have to call me ma'am, baby. I'm not that old yet."

Before I could reply her children descended down the staircase.

"Taraji, These are my children, Zion and Dallas." She introduced them and I introduced myself.

"She's the nanny, and she's gonna be here the whole summer to take care of y'all while I'm at work."

Zion greeted me with enthusiasm while Dallas seemed shy as he mumbled a small hey and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

After I got to know the children for about an hour, they went back up to their rooms

Ms. Barrino turned to me and stared at me as if she was studying my appearance. I began to squirm under her gaze and I felt my heart begin to race.

"So Taraji,"She spoke, breaking the silence.

"Even though you've already been selected for the position, Im still going to have to ask you some questions, just to get to know you." I just nodded in response.

"First, your mom tells me your in school, what for?"

"Well, I'm majoring in nursing and when I graduate, I am going to specialize in Labor and Delivery."

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