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Fantasia Barrino

After I ended the call with Bernice's daughter, I went to go let the kids know that she was on her way.

I'd met Bernie almost two years ago at the start of her divorce. She was so broken and it just hurt my heart to see such a nice person to be broken down like that. But by the time the divorce was finalized she was back to her sweet self.

I had a good feeling about Taraji being the nanny. Her mom was such a sweet lady so I could imagine what she'd be like.

Although I had already met her at Bernie's divorce party, We didn't converse much. She seem quiet and reserved.

I walked down the elongated hallway to Zion's room.

I knocked on the door but walked in before she got a chance to open it.

She was on the phone playing Roblox with one of her friends from school. I swear you would think she's four instead of fourteen.

"Zi," I called out. "I need you to tidy up. The nanny is about to show up in a couple minutes."

"Okay mama, after I finish this game." She replied.

"No Zion, right now." I insisted.

She huffed and told her friends she would call them back.

That's what I thought.

I exited her room, closing the door behind me. I made my way to Dallas' room.

He was taking a nap but his room was already cleaned so I decided I would wake him up closer to when Taraji got here.

After I left his room I went to the nursery where my baby Keziah was.

I opened the door and walked over to her crib. She was up, just staring at the stars on her blush pink mobile. Her attention ripped away from the toy and her face lit up when she saw mine.

"Hi, mama's baby" I cooed.

I picked her up from the crib and walked over to the rocking chair in the corner of the room.

I played with her and sung to her for 15 minutes before she started to get fussy. I'd laid her down for a nap about an hour and a half ago, I was more that sure she was hungry.

I lifted up from the chair with her in my arms. Carefully positioning her so her head was stable.

We left the nursery and descended down the stairs, making our way to the kitchen.

I placed Ziah in the bouncer that was on the marble island, strapping her in and turning it on.

It's been hard learning to adjust to everything since the divorce, that's why I needed a nanny to help out while the kids are out of school.

My divorce wasn't a bad one, Kendall and I had just both realized that we had fallen out of love with each other.

I could've had Kendall take the kids for the summer but he had moved to New York since we've separated.

I walked over to the dishwasher grabbing a small pot and one of Keziah's bottles. I put the bottle on top the counter for now and filled the pot with water and placed it on the stove to boil.

I went in the refrigerator grabbing one of the bags of breast milk and filled the bottle up to the 6 oz. line.

After I heated up her bottle, I took her out of the bouncer and walked over to the family room and sat on the couch and began to feed her.

By the time she was done drinking the milk, sound of the doorbell rang out in the house.

I made my way to the front door.

I opened the door and greeted Taraji with a warm smile.

She had dark brown curly hair that framed her beautiful face and and outfit that accentuated her curves.

"Oh my," she said as she looked at Keziah in my arms. "She's Beautiful"

I welcomed Taraji in the house and began showing her around.

I could tell that she was going to be the perfect fit.

Sorry that it's shorter than usual, I knew i had to give y'all a chapter before y'all tore my head off😂.

I did not proofread 🫤


Until Next Time,


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