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After getting the kids ready for our day out, I made my way to my bathroom to start my morning routine.

I grabbed my new face products and my brush and began to cleanse my face and brush my teeth.

I've been using a new facial cleanser because recently i've been breaking out more than usual, so I figured it was time to switch products.

After I finished up, turned on the shower to let the water heat up.

I stripped bare and stepped in , letting my struggles wash down the drain with the water.

I stood under the water for a while, as my mind began racing.

Reminiscing on last night.

I kept thinking about how warm Taraji felt on top of me. How comfortable I was as my arms were wrapped around her.

I felt a feeling down in my stomach. This wasn't the first time i've had this feeling thinking of Taraji , but this time the feeling hasn't gone away.

After standing under the running water for a while, I finished up my shower and wrapped myself in a towel.

I left the bathroom and traveled to my walk in closet to choose my outfit for the day.

I had planned on taking the kids to the mall and to an arcade so I just put my favorite cropped hoodie on with the matching sweats.

When I went down stairs , Taraji was playing with Keziah and Zion and Dallas were on there electronics.

"Are y'all ready to head out?" I voiced.

I heard all of them say yes so I went to take Kezzi from Taraji.

"Uh what do you think you're doing?" Taraji asked.

"Reaching for my child" I deadpanned.

"She's fine with me," She started before she turned her head to Keziah. "Isn't that right Kezzi?"

Before I could reply, Zion opened her mouth.

"Can we hurry and leave? I ready to have fun" Zi rushed out.

I have Taraji one last glance before turning around and leading everyone out of the house.

The ride to the mall is only about an hour long.

A car ride always puts babygirl to sleep so the only sounds were those of the artists on the radio.

Taraji lowered the volume of Beyoncé's Texas Hold 'Em before she spoke.

"When was the last time you had fun?" She inquired.

"I have fun all of the time with my kids."

Taraji's face scrunched up.

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