5. A Letter!

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Trisha's team and the other team arrived at the final destination simultaneously.

The volunteers decided to announce the winner after verifying the names of the members of the team that arrived first.

But things got confusing when they realized Trisha was missing.

As a game instruction, there were supposed to be 10 people in their group when they reached their destination.

So, the judges declared the other team as the winners.

Rocky, who was Trisha's teammate, was really mad.

Trisha was later seen running alone towards the final destination, her hands scratched.

Naina approached her and asked, "What's wrong, Trisha? You seemed fine just a little while ago. How did you get these scratches?"
Trisha didn't answer; she was too worried looking her teammates sad.

Naina felt pity as she looked at Trisha. She held her arm and supported her to walk.

Rocky came yelling at her. "What the hell happened to you? We lost because of you. Can't you run properly?"
Trisha started crying upon hearing his words.

A voice came from behind Rocky. "Hey Rocky, stop there..."
Everyone looked in the direction of the voice.

[Here comes our Neil Advani: a young and energetic guy who is 5 feet 10 inches tall, with a honey skin tone, athlete body type, deep manly voice, and sharp fox eyes.]


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"It's just a game... why are you overreacting?" Neil retorted.

"You shut up, Neil," Rocky said.

Neil raised his eyebrow, looking at him.

Rocky fell silent.

Neil tapped Rocky's shoulder and repeated, "It's just a game. Treat it like one. Whether we win or lose, we should accept it."

He then approached Trisha, noticing her teary face.

Turning to Naina, he ordered, "Take her to the first aid room."

Naina nodded and escorted Trisha. As they left, Trisha glanced back at Neil with a grateful expression.
He stood there, watching her with concern.

As the captain of the winning team, Neil said, "Rockey, I'm willing to step down from first place if you want. I'll talk to the faculty and our teammates about it."

Rocky declined his offer.
"I'm sorry for overreacting in anger," Rocky apologized.

"Actually, you should apologize to that girl," Neil suggested.
Rockey accepted his suggestion.

Actually, Neil and Rocky are classmates from school. They bumped into each other again in college. Additionally, Naina is Neil's best friend from childhood, and they are also neighbors.

The caretaker was cleaning her wound.
Trisha was whimpering in pain while Naina held her hand.

"How did you fall? I thought you were with me," Naina asked.
"I tripped on a stone and fell down, clumsy me," Trisha explained.
Naina didn't ask much more about it.

They both returned to the classroom, and Pritam came running over to Trisha.

"Are you okay now?" he asked with concern.

She nodded in agreement.
He sat beside her and handed her a water bottle, gesturing for her to drink.

Naina left, saying, "Take care, Trisha."

"Do you want to go back to the dorm?" he asked.
"No, I'm alright now. Where are Neeta and Anika?" she inquired.
"I'm not sure. I haven't seen them in a while. Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?" he offered.

She nodded meekly.

He got up to fetch some food for her.

Meanwhile, Rocky entered the classroom carrying food parcels. He approached her, handed her some food, and apologized for his earlier rude behavior.

She smiled and accepted the food as a sign of forgiveness.

Trisha is sitting on her bed, applying ointment to her wounds. Her mobile starts to ring, which is kept in her college bag.

It's a call from her mother.
She answers and talks to her mother, sharing everything that happened during the day. After the call, she disconnects and sets her phone aside.

Her eyes then fall on a piece of paper inside the bag. It's not the paper she remembers putting in there, which strikes her as strange. Curious, she takes it out. It's a letter written in average handwriting.

She begins to read.

Hello Trisha,

How are you? How are your wounds? By now, you might be wondering who is writing to you. Well, I prefer not to reveal my name for now, but I can tell you that I'm one of your classmates.

I'm writing this letter to express my feelings for you. From the moment I first saw you, I felt a strong attraction towards you. I found myself lost in your presence.

I couldn't keep these feelings bottled up inside, yet I couldn't muster the courage to tell you face to face. So, I'm conveying it to you in this way:
I apologize if this makes you feel awkward.

I am eagerly looking forward to seeing you again.

After reading this, her mind filled with many questions... when did this happen? Who is he? Why is all this happening to me? My God, what things are happening since I joined this college: first day late to college, sambar mishap, these injuries, and now this!
She screamed,"Awkward..." In her mind.

She got up from bed and went to the window in her room. Standing there, she looked outside, lost in thought.

Suddenly, she saw someone watching her.
He waved at her. Looking closely, she realized it was Pritam.
She waved back and gestured, asking why he was there. He motioned towards his phone. She grabbed her phone just as he called her.

P: Hello.
T: Hi, what brings you here?
P: I'm here to meet my friends. I saw you on my way back, so I thought I'd stop by.
T: Oh, I see.
P: So, are you feeling better now?
T: Yeah, I'm feeling better. I have to go now, someone is calling me. Bye.
P: Alright, take care. Bye.

Neeta came into the room, calling out, "Trisha... Trisha...."
"I've got something exciting to tell you!" Neeta said in excitement.

NEIL is 20 years old young boy, possessing a dominant character. He's not the stereotypical "hot guy" of the college, but he emits a unique charm that doesn't go unnoticed.

Being an extrovert, he has many friends and thoroughly enjoys being around people. He is known for his straightforward and sometimes rude attitude, lacking sweetness, but his wit and sense of humor make him appealing to others. People genuinely enjoy being around him.


Pritam really confessed his feelings through the letter?
Trisha will really find out him?
For what Neeta is excited for?

Will see in future chapters..
Until then, show you love and support to the characters.

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