t.r ☆ cold heart 2.0

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❃゜・。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。・゜❃

you could feel his eyes on you.

almost every single second of the day. it wasn't unusual, you were used to his stare burning holes into you. what you weren't used to was him being
so quiet.

it scared you, truth be told.

he scared you sometimes. the way he'd switch from hot to cold in a millisecond. he'd be
benevolent one moment, then shouting at you the next. he was a toxic, toxic man.

you couldn't get enough, though. he was like some sort of drug and you were an addict.
course you'd never let him know, he'd likely never get his head out of his arse if he found

you were in your from, getting ready for bed. you looked around your room. something was
off. that's when you realised your cat was missing. "fuck," you groaned.

you were beyond tired, but knowing what hides in and around the school you couldn't let
her wonder without the fear she'd be eaten.

you put on your slippers before quietly slipping out of your dorm, making as little noise as
possible. you figured she couldn't have went far considering she was just with you less than
an hour ago.

you called out her name, careful to not be too loud as the prefects patrolled the corridors
throughout the night and the last thing you wanted was to receive a detention.

you heard her bell, the one tied to her pink collar. you made your way down yet another corridor, the jingle of her bell was getting slightly louder.

you turned the corner and your smile dropped when you saw tom playing with your cat. he
was sat on a window ledge as your cat laid on his lap, rolling around as he played with her.

you tried to make little noise but tom could sense your presence, his head shot up when your familiar scent filled his nose.

"i found your cat," he said bluntly.

"thanks," you said and walked over to him, picking her up. "night." you turned around and
walked back to your dorm.

please come after me pleas come after me. you said inside your head.

disappointment filled your bones when you couldn't feel him behind you. you finally made
it back to your room. you placed your cat down onto your bed. "stay," you told her.

you went into your bathroom to go splash your face with some cold water. what a terrible
night. you dried your face and walked back into your room.

you quickly whipped out your wand, ready to avada kedavra someone who was on your bed. only to realise it was tom. "how'd you get in my room?" you placed the wand down your side as you realised it wasn't an intruder. well, a typical one.

"you know i have my ways," tom spoke. you watched him in silence. you hated how much
your cat loved him. why couldn't she be one of those evil ones who scratched anyone who got within a metre of her space?

you also hated how charming he looked while he played with your cat, she rarely even enjoyed playing with you.

"i want you out," you spoke in a flat voice.

"we both know that you don't want me to," tom put your cat aside and walked up to you.

you looked up at him. why was the devil himself so gorgeous? even at 12am, his hair was neatly done - not a loose strand in sight. his face was still as beautiful and his eyes still as captivating as you got easily lost into them.

"you don't think i can't read your mind?" a sly smirk displayed on his face.

"you cant pull that shit on me," you spat, knowing he had used legilimens on you.

"i just did," his cold, pale hand reached up to your face, touching your warmth as he placed a loose hair strand behind your ear.

"i hate you," you said, falling deeper into his eyes which you couldn't resist.

"i love you more," he placed his lips on yours and you fell head over heels again. you quickly shoved him off after enjoying his lips a little too much.

"you have a cold heart, i can't love you," your eyes flickered up to his blue ones, glistening as the moon shone into them.

"but you do," tom replied and you knew it was true.

"i don't want to be with someone who can't even speak to me," you felt tears well up in
your eyes.

"i prefer hearing you talk than myself, love. you know i don't mind your daily life updates?" he furrowed his eyebrows at you, was it true?

"it doesn't feel like you do," you took a step back away from him.

tom's face screwed up in distaste as you did so, "i do love you."

"just because you say you love me doesn't mean i feel it," you tried your hardest to keep it
altogether as you began to get choked up.

he stared at you blankly. you ever so desperately wanted to know what was going on in his
mind. "you," tom spoke.

"what?" you were curious.

"you asked what was going on in my mind. it's you, you're on my mind. all day. i simply
can't get enough of you. i'm sorry if i can't show you the love you want, but i'll love you harder than anyone else ever will," his words made your heart tighten.

"don't say things you don't mean," you said.

"why do you think i'm so quiet? i think a lot of things rather than speak. id never say something so profound if i didn't love you," his hand reached for your face again, and you
let him touch you.

"do you promise me you'll maybe stop being such a dry bastard when we speak then? or just anytime during our relationship?" you felt stupid for giving him another chance but you hoped he would maybe, just for once, change his ways.

"i promise," he placed a kiss on your forehead.

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