Chapter one- Nut Loving Arse Clown

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Okay, now that we got that out of the way I have one more thing to say...English is like my third language so if grammar bothers you a lot....this book might drive you kinda nuts. If you find anything offensive...tell me but don't just say "This is offensive." or "Go jump off a cliff." because come on guys....we both know I won't take your words seriously.

But if you think there is a way I can IMPROVE...then yes. Correct me all you want.

Omg, I'm actually doing this....

Holy Lord...Okay people lets do it...


AN update Feb 14, 2016

Okay, I started writing this about a year ago and let me tell you....I'm pretty ashamed of the first 10-15 chapters but for some fucked up reason you guys still read it so THANK THE UNIVERSE MY 13 YEAR OLD ASS CAN STILL ENTERTAIN PEOPLE.

I love writing, and I'm sure I have improved through out the story. I will not edit it on Wattpad since I will be using it as a draft for when I will publish this book. I have a contract already with a publishing company but don't you worry! This first copy will stay on Wattpad.

P.S I know that the first chapter and a half look a bit like mean girls but if I will see another comment saying 'I didn't come here to read mean girls' one more time without you actually reading the book, a bitch will die. This is farrrrrr from mean girls, it just has a few references in the first 2 chapter and that's it.

(I accidentally wrote 'man girls' at first and laughed my ass off for a about an hour)



I groan as I feel my mixed puppy, Ace, jumping on me, waking me up for my first day of school since we moved here. I get up, still half asleep, and head to my bathroom.

Looking in the mirror early in the morning will definitely give me a heart attack some day.

My red hair all over my face, my pale skin even paler than usual, and a facial expression of a Zombie/Llama.

The worst part?

Seeing that you have only about half an hour before you have to be at school. Add the fact that you look like a vampire.

Is basically my everyday morning routine.

After I finish brushing my teeth and putting my brushed hair in a side braid I go to my closet. Luckily I chose my clothes yesterday, otherwise it would take me hours to choose an outfit. So with my black jeans, long red sweater, and a little flower crown I run out the empty house.

Getting out of my black Safari Jeep, I start to walk towards the door. If I was in a movie, I would start walking in slow motion getting all the attention of all the students in the front yard. The boys would look at me with lust and girls with envy, or just with curiosity. Then, I would bump into someone, our eyes will meet and it would be love at first sight.

We would get married and have four children, and live happily ever after.

But this is real life(Sort of). Nobody is paying attention to me because they are all already stressed out with school, and family, none of them care about some 'new girl'.

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