Chapter 26- Even Prince Charming Needs a Bathroom Break

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A\N Hello! This is the first chapter that I have written in a year so feel free to give me as much feedback as you can! 


"She needs to stop pouting. It's annoying." Adam calls out as we sit down on the rocks. His voice is drowned by the waterfall. Nicole still didn't get over the fact that Adam became friends with their bully of many years- even though they have been friends before.

"That's what happens when you hide a secret like that from your flipping twin." I scowl. While the other boys and Sasha were getting ready to do some cliff jumping- I was left to babysit fussy #1, and fussy #2. Fussy #1 being Nicole, who is sitting down with her earphones and a pout on her face. Apparently, they don't trust them on the cliff together out of fear of one of them you know...dying. Just accidentally. Totally by accident.

"Oh, come on, I'm 18. I don't have to tell her everything."

"You don't, but be ready for this kind of a reaction."

Why do I have to babysit them? I want to jump off a cliff, as masochistic as that sounds, especially in October. Going camping in October was a stupid idea in the first place but now they are going to swim? I don't think they are aware that we are in Canada.

"But don't you understand? I'm an 18 year old ma-" An inhumanly groan escaped Nicole interrupting Adam. Sounds like she ate a walrus- or just go sick of a very whiny twin brother who apparently doesn't understand that he actually hurt his sister. I mean come on- they are twins. He should have told her all this information a long time ago and not accidentally blurt it out.

Let's be honest though, even if he had told Nicole while everything was happening, her reaction wouldn't be any different. She knows what Adam has been through because of Shelby, Nicole's trust towards that girl is broken and it will take a lot more than an apology to mend it. But stepping back and letting her twin brother make a decision for himself is also not a bad idea, they can't be attached at the hip their whole life.

It's clear that Nicole's confidence in their relationship took a huge hit, she is not used to her brother doing his own thing. Beside him keeping his girlfriend a secret, he also never shared his thoughts on his orientation with Nicole, she might be hurt by that but most people would understand that it's an incredibly personal subject and he is not obligated to share his thoughts.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore, Adam." Nicole huffs. I see the irritation on her face, she needs time to cool down without her brother breathing down her neck. Any other time she would probably seek comfort from her brother but perhaps is 'betrayal' caused her to feel a little cold towards him.

Disappointment flashes in Adams' eyes, "Nicole, you're my sister. We have to talk about this sooner or later."

She stands up and wipes hands on her jeans before holding out a hand to me. "I prefer later. Let's go, Scarlet, I have to pee."

We all know she doesn't need to go to the bathroom, she is just trying to get away and have a moment for herself. I roll my eyes but get up anyway. Nicole needs to settle down, figure out how to act next and get a chance to think things through without our influence.

"Nicole, you have to be careful if you guys are going in there yourself. Be careful please." Adam seems reluctant to let us go but doesn't say anything else and watches us walk deeper into the forest.

As soon as we are out of earshot, Nicole speaks up beside me "Do you think I'm being irrational? I mean, like, it's his life, he should do whatever he wants."

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