Chapter 18 - Goddamn Farm.

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Edit from one of my lovely readers.... @kilewoodwcrk 

If you want to send me some, my email is

Goal: 500 votes.

Hunter: Jesus Christ Sasha, Do you have a thing for being late?

Sasha: *pushes the blanket away from her face to look at Hunter.* Hunter, shut up. I had a rough week at school, give me a break.

Scarlet: Leave her alone psycho.

Hunter: *walks to Scarlet and hugs her from behind.* But baby...I was really exited for the camping trip and she is always late with the uploads.

Scarlet: Well then, saying 'Update' all the time won't help. You have to be nice, sugar. *Looks horrified at Sasha* Why the hell did I just say that?

Sasha: *smirks* because I control the book and in my brain you two have already married and had five children.

Hunter: *Slides hand across Scarlets swollen stomach* And expecting a sixth one. *smiles lovingly at Scarlet.*

Scarlet: *Looks horrified at both Hunter and Sasha*
*Runs away*

Hunter: Goddamn it Sasha! She is pregnant she can't run.
*Runs after her.*

Sasha: *sighs* always the same fucking thing. *smiles* they are still adorable. *cuddles back into bed where Joshua looks horrified at Sasha.*

Joshua: Sasha, not that this isn't nice and all, why can't I move? *gulps and laughs nervously*

Sasha: Just cause. *snuggles even closer, Rubbing her hand over his chest and arms.*

Joshua: Your hands are sweaty.

Sasha: Shut up.


On his next sentence, I swear my heart stopped beating for a second.

"Love you too, Shelby."


"What in the flying horse." Those are my first words as I step outside the corner, shocking Adam.

"You are gay!" I scream. He opens his mouth to speak but interrupt him. "Is she threatening you? Is she blackmailing you? Oh my god...did she find a way to control your brain activity? Did she beat you up? Do I need to beat her up?" My words get louder each second.

"Don't you dare touch her! Calm down Scarlet. Let me explain." He says.

I glare at him, shaking my head. "Oh this better be good."

---2 DAYS LATER---

I turn to dad as Hunter throws everybody's stuff into the back of the car.

"Bye daddy." I say hugging him.

He kisses the top of my head while whispering. "Be careful pumpkin. If anything happens, play dead."

I step away from him just as Hunter comes up from behind me and wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry Mr.Lockwood. I promise to keep an eye on her at all times."

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