Chapter 16 - Together in the Womb, Together in the Hospital Room.

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Hola peeps, sorry for being late but the chapter got deleted have way and I had to rewrite it all over again. Hope you enjoy!

P.S The picture has nothing to do with the chapter but it's so God damn hilarious.


I'm familiar with pain.

I always seem to find a way to get back to it. Since birth, being neglected by your mother, then my grandparents accusing that it was my fault that she turned insane because of me, seeing my dad suffer from the loss of the one he loved, Xavier trying to be the strong one in the family. It was all emotional pain but at one point emotional pain turns into more.

When the pain is too much. The memories come back. Memories of Rachel refusing to look at me for days, sometimes even weeks. Memories of her screaming at Xavier and locking us in our rooms, not allowing us to enjoy our childhood like all the other kids, and all the words that I had to take in from the woman that is supposed to love me the most.

The backpack filled with heavy memories that I have no desire of opening suddenly fell from my shoulders, tripping me on the way.

My counselor would help me recognize a Panic attack coming up. Heavy breathing, chest pain, sweating, dizziness, muscle ache, shaking, fidgeting, increased blood pressure . In any other situation I would have took a few pills that would control my blood pressure and make me tired. But somehow it didn't feel right this time. I felt like I needed to control my body instead of letting the pills do the job.

I failed. Instead of getting control over my own beating heart I went into my room and tried my best not to knock out the door resulting to clutching my hair, ripping it in the process.

I felt trapped. The brick walls around me that keep the repeating process of the same pattern of mania, normality then anger so strong that scares even me.

I guess have to thank my mother for the chemical imbalance in my brain that is causing me all my issues. She had some mental health problems, so the chances of her passing it to me was very likely, plus all the stress that she caused me definitely didn't help the situation, it only speeded up the process of having to take pills and going to counselors. Thank God Xavier didn't inherit anything from that woman.

My thoughts get interrupted by a sound from the doorway in my hospital room, with Adam and Nicole currently sticking their head inside to see me. The sight of them, bringing my mood up just a bit. I have been in the hospital room for a while, no one was allowed to come in yet. they said that my blood pressure was still very unstable, meaning I need a lot of rest and calmness.

I see their hesitation and say, "You guys, I don't bite."

They both released a breath of relief and raced to my bed.

"Don't you ever dare to disappear on me like that! I had to sneak into your house because I forgot my bra in your room!" Nicole says with wide eyes.

A chuckle escapes me. "Well I didn't exactly plan to move in with Hunter, nor did I plan to get myself into a hospital. Yet, here we are."

"Bitch, next time you have a heart attack, call me."

"Nicole, like she said before, I doubt she wanted that to happen." Adam says before turning his attention to me. "Guess what bubblegum? I got you something to calm your nerves." he smirks at me.

I raise an eyebrow at him with a suspicious look on my face. "Should I be worried?"

"Actually no, you are not allowed. Other wise you will have another one of your little heart attacks." Nicole says.

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