Chapter 28 - You're Doing Great Sweetie (The End)

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A/N bless yall for sticking with me through this journey. Hope you guys enjoy this last chapter:) considering it took me over a year to get out...Enjoy. 


We stayed in the cabin a bit longer after that adventure with Nicole, and when I woke back up, it was dinner time. Hunter stood in front of the mirror as I was coming back to my senses. The grey sweater he wore made him look so much older than he really is and the dark bags under his eyes weren't helping. An 18-year-old boy should not be this tired, that was probably all my fault in the first place but I can't help but feel incredibly sorry for him. I don't know the troubles he goes through every day and I've been adding issues for him since the day he met me.

For the record, he did go for it willingly.

Even after noticing that I'm awake he keeps going along with his usual routine, putting on a sort of cologne and walking over to the other side of the cabin. I observe him as he gets 2 glasses of orange juice and walks over to me.

"Thank you," I say as he waits for me to sit up and grab the glass from him before he sits by my waist on the side of the bed.

A moment of silence passes us and I can't help but wonder how this boy can still look so good after everything that has happened. I figure out the entire time Nicole and I were gone, Hunter didn't rest for a second and although our adventure wasn't that significant beside my damage to her face, it took a toll on him emotionally. Maybe I should bring dinner here, he deserves to sleep a little longer.

Setting my glass down, I reach over to take his glass away too and set it on the little wooden table by the bed. Now, how do I trick him into laying down? The man doesn't rest.

"Come here," I whisper unsurely tapping the spot on the other side of the bed. His eyebrows raise in surprise at my change of attitude towards him. Really, over and over again he has shown me how much I mean to him and proven to me that I cannot just ignore the physical attraction between us. Maybe I am letting all those things he did, in the beginning, be forgiven too fast, but I just can't pretend like I don't want him anymore.

Nonetheless, he complies and lays down.

Hesitating, I reach over and brush his hair back, leaving my hand to play with his hair as he looks at me slightly confused, yet with growing peace in his eyes. He's so tired. I watch his eyes slowly droop while I continue the gentle movement and pray for him to relax enough to hopefully fall asleep.

"I know what you're doing." His quiet voice breaks the silence. "And it's working a little too well."

I hum in response and shift to lay down beside him more comfortably. The moment he falls asleep I'll go get food but now I just need to take care of him. I don't did he manage to completely turn my opinion on him in a mere few weeks? How did he go from the strange kid in a hoodie to this sweet man in front of me?

"Are you a witch?" I ask. That must be the only reasonable explanation to how I was so blessed for my eyes to be opened to such a loyal, loving, hot as hell, potential partner.

A smirk lightly passes his lips before he replies with his eyes still closed. "Yes."

"I knew it.

He looks up to make eye contact with me just for a single moment. "You're a smart girl," and just like that, his head gets heavier and heavier as his body relaxes to finally rest. "But we have a dinner to get to."

I don't reply. He needs rest, it's my turn to take care of him after everything that happened. Thankfully he doesn't make another attempt to leave, which also tells me he is more exhausted than hungry, and a few seconds later his breathing evens out and he finally falls asleep.

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