chapter nine

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First word.

Pandora's point of view

I had just woke up and got done with my shower when I heard a knock on the bedroom door when I seen his mother walk into the room and smile at me sweetly.

His mom: Buenos días Pandora, espero que hayas dormido bien y odio preguntarte en caso de que recién te estés despertando, pero me preguntaba si podrías ayudar a preparar el desayuno para los niños y para Kaleb mientras yo iba al mercado.

His mom: good morning Pandora, I hope you slept well and I hate asking just in case you're just now waking up but I was wondering if you could help make breakfast for the kids and Kaleb while I went to the market.

Pandora: no me importa cocinar para ellas, tómate todo el tiempo que necesites

Pandora: I don't mind cooking for them, take all the time you need.

His mom: Gracias Pandora, volveré en breve.

His mom: thank you Pandora, I will be back shortly.

Pandora: de nada señora

Pandora: you're welcome ma'am

I watched as she quickly left then I finished getting dressed before going downstairs to male breakfast for the kids and Kaleb, I tried to be as quiet as I could since they were still sleeping but I felt Kaleb wrapping his arms around my waist while I cooled pancakes.

Pandora: good morning handsome.

Kaleb: good morning lovebug.

I felt him kiss the side of my head after he let go of me.

Kaleb: what are you doing up so early?

Pandora: I heard a rooster crowing just outside the bedroom window so I thought I would get a shower before coming down and your mom asked me to make breakfast for you and the kids while she was at the market.

Kaleb: I should have known.

Pandora: known what?

Kaleb: that's her way of giving us a few minutes alone. She did it with my ex girlfriend before she cheated on me.

Pamdora: well that's her loss so...

Kaleb: when mom comes back just pretend that I didn't just wake up...

Pandora: I'm not going to lie to your mother.

Kaleb: okay fine but she's just going to demand we do something together as a couple.

Pandora: and I'm okay with that...

I watched as he sat down at the table after I placed the pancakes down in front of him.

Pandora: I'll be right back.

Kaleb: where are you going?

Pandora: gotta wake up the kids.

I walked into the room they were sleeping in and I seen Scarlett standing up while she looked at Riley, I woke him up and watched as he slowly got up and went to brush his teeth while I changed Scaett's diaper and headed downstairs after making Riley come down to eat.

I was about to eat as well when I seen Scarlett staring at Kaleb while he drank his coffee, I seen her open her mouth and as soon as she did We heard her say her first word.

Scarlett: da-da

I looked at Kaleb who was now looking at her.

Kaleb: she said her first word.

Pandora: I figured that would be her first word.

Kaleb: I'm beyond happy right now.

Pandora: aww.

Riley: mom?

Pandora: yes little man?

Riley: can me and dad go to the park later?

Pandora: I don't know Riley, I...

Kaleb: I would love to take him to a park...

I looked over at him again and gave him a confused look but all he did was smile at me and grab my hand.

Kaleb: we can go after dinner, your mom and sister can come with us.

Riley: thanks dad.

Kaleb: you're welcome buddy...

I knew that he didn't get to know his real dad before he left five years ago when Riley was only four years old at the time and Scarlett had just been born a month before he left and it come easier when Kaleb and I started hanging out more that the kids thought he was their dad but I couldn't bring myself to correct them and I believe Kaleb felt the same way about it.

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