chapter thirty five

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Dinner drama.

Pandora's point of view

I was hanging around with Kaleb as he helped me take care of Sundance as she started giving birth. I knew that it make a difference for me being here since I was blind but it was nice that he included me as if I could see what was going on. I was three months pregnant and Kaleb's parental instinct kicked in as he stayed with me everywhere I went including to my eye doctor.

I was sitting in one of the rooms while I waited for the x-rays to return of my eyes, I placed my hand on Kaleb's leg and he carefully put his hand in mine and I heard the door open.

Doctor: hey Mrs. Jenkins, how are you feeling today?

Pandora: a little nervous to hear what the results are.

Doctor: I suspected you would be and before I tell you the results. I want to do a few more simple tests first.

Pandora: okay...

I seen him picking something up and seen a faint light in my eyes...

Doctor: do you see the light or anything resembling a light.

Pandora: I see the light but it's faint.

Doctor: and when you're seeing humans or other objects and shapes, are they still blurry?

Pandora: it's a little blurry but not like before, I'm slowly starting to see some colors.

Doctor: and how about your hearing?

Pandora: it seems to be good, I hear better than before.

Doctor: that's a common occurrence when dealing with blindness but nothing to worry about.

Kaleb: is her eyes improving at all with the eye drops she takes every night?

Doctor: I would hope it did but I'm afraid the damage is far worser than I imagined, I hate giving bad news but she's going to be blind for the rest of her life. I do apologize because I was hoping the treatment you were taking was sure to help but you can continue taking the eye drops if you feel like it is helping your eyes Pandora.

Pandora: it's not your fault for me being blind. I do appreciate you trying to help reverse the situation.

Doctor: I really do hope your sight returns so you can see your precious baby after he or she is born.

After we left the doctor's office we went to dinner and I was sitting at a table while Kaleb went to the bathroom after he wiped my hands with an alcohol wipe near the door and helped me sit down at a table. I heard someone clearing their throat before saying something.

Waitress: is there something I can get you ma'am?

Pandora: do you have a menu with Braille on it?

Waitress: no ma'am I'm afraid we don't but if you need to feel the need to get special attention, I'm afraid we don't serve people faking their disabilities.

Pandora: excuse me?

Waitress: you're asking me for a menu for blind people when you're not even blind are you? You're just seeking attention...

Pandora: I'm sorry you feel like I'm pretending to be blind but I'm not faking my disability.

Waitress: I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave ma'am.

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