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In Greys timeline this would take place after 14x23. Most of this will take place in text form as Callie is in New York and Arizona in Seattle.

I run back to my office, did that really just happen? Did Nicole really just say we could open our centre in New York?, I pace back and forth the room not knowing what my next step should be. I've just willingly told her I will move to New York but I haven't asked Sofia, or Callie or told Chief Bailey.

No Arizona, I think to myself, this is a good thing. Sofia misses Callie so much and she loves New York, she will love having both of her moms in the same state rather than opposite ends of the country and the Chief has Karev, he is more than capable of stepping up to be Chief of Paediatrics.

I quickly take out my phone and text Callie

Can you talk?

of course, is everything ok? Is Sofia ok?

yes she's fine, she misses you

I miss her too, so much

I have something to run by you

ok, go for it

Dr Herman is opening a clinic, for pregnant women and babies, focusing on fetal surgery and pre/ post natal care. It's going to offer fellowships in fetal surgery which she can teach but to be eligible for the grant she needs to partner up with a fetal surgeon who can perform she surgeries and teach the practical side of the procedures. It's going to open up more opportunities for fetal surgery throughout the country and my Maternal Mortality Prevention Program is going to be the face of it. She's asked me to co-found the clinic with her.

Arizona, that's incredible. Honestly I am so proud of you and I am so happy for you, where's the clinic?

Well Herman suggested California, it has to be somewhere with good transport links and a high population, if we had somewhere with international flight connections we'd get a higher funding too.

Wow, I can't image you in California

me either, which is why I asked if we could do it in New York

I held my finger over the send button, what if she freaks out? What if she doesn't want me to around her and Penny?
I quickly get over my thoughts and hit send. Seconds later I see the three little dots appear which tell me she's typing, then they disappeared and no messaged followed. Oh god, is she mad?, no she's furious, shit

That is the best message I could have ever received. Please tell me this means your both moving to New York

I release the breath I didn't know if been holding.

we are moving to New York, I'm so glad your happy about it I was worried you would think me moving maybe a bad thing. It's just, Sofia misses you so much and it would be nice for us to live in the same state, for her.

how could I not be happy about this? I am so excited to have you both here.

Both? She's excited to see me aswell?. We've learn to coparent well since she moved to New York, we've got into a routine of evening phone calls and weekend video chats, quite often my parents who are currently living in Pennsylvania, would fly Sofia between New York and Seattle so Callie and I only see each other in person on Sofia's birthday and at Christmas but we speak most days. My parents adore Sofia and the flight was their grandparent time with her and it helped Callie and I with our ever busy schedules.

do you have time to discuss some details? Or is there a time you are free?

No go on, I'm on call but I'm good for now

I was wondering if it would be ok to get some of our things shipped out to you? And If Sophia could stay with you when we first move? I'm going to get a place but probably not straight away, I want to have chance to view places and get to know the area before deciding. Also, if you could maybe look into schools for Sofia, it probably won't be until next academic year but it's something we need to think about.

of course, send anything here you need. Sofia has a room here already, and there's two guest rooms so we can always store yours and her stuff in one of those and you can stay in the other until you find somewhere your happy with. Yes of course there's some lovely schools close to where I live which is a lovely area, close enough to the city for commuting but far enough away to not be full of tourists. I think you'd like it here, or possibly the neighbouring town but yes I can send you some details of schools

oh no Callie I wasn't asking for me to stay, just Sophia and if we could possibly store some stuff but it won't be a lot. Schools near you would be great, it would be nice to live close enough that Sofia could make her way between the two of us when she's a bit older especially with our schedules. Plus you know the area more than I do so happy to take your word for it.

I know you're not asking but I'm telling, you'll stay with us and then I can show you around, maybe schedule some viewings for you? An open day at the school too for us to look around? Also I want to see this clinic

while that all sounds amazing, what about Penny? I'm not sure how I'd feel if my new girlfriends ex wife moved us with us

don't worry about Penny, but you have a new girlfriend? Tell me more?

oh no, I don't, I meant hypothetically, if I did, I don't know how I'd feel living with her ex wife.

we'll leave that to me. Let me know when to expect your stuff and what date you're arriving when you know.

of course, and Callie, Thankyou, I was really nervous to tell you incase you thought this was a bad idea, we've gotten so good at long distance co parenting Sofia and I don't want to ruin that.

so we won't, we will be grown up about it, we will talk, probably argue but we will find a solution and we won't do it infront of Sofia, we can do this whole parenting thing and we are in a much better place now, we can do this

yes we can, and I'm sure with the clinic I can be flexible around your work schedule too so when your working I can try be off to have Sofia and then when your off I can work so you can have time with her, we can make it work.

yes we can, just a quick question, can you call me when you tell Sofia? I'd like to be involved in the conversation if that's ok?

of course, this Sunday?

I'm working Saturday night but I'll be home around 8am, so anytime after that or I can set an alarm for later in the day?

later is good for me, I'll text you details soon

Well that went a lot better than I expected, now I just have to tell Sofia and the chief.

Arizona Robbins- One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now