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Tonight is all hands on deck, we have mass amounts of casualties and we are all doing what we can. While I'm a paeds surgeon, I am more than capable of operating on and treating adults, and of course when nights like tonight happen, I am more than happy to offer my time to whichever service is needed. "Tonight, if you are not needed on your own service, you are on plastics. We have many, many victims, we are looking at 40, 50 possibly more burn victims. Treat what you can, help who you can help, I will take the most severe patients. Cancel any non emergent surgeries, I need both attendings and senior residents working on patients, interns and second years find every supply we could possibly need and have it readily available" Jackson's words loud and clear, I haven't worked on adult burns since my residency but we will all do what we can. I look over and see Callie, my.... well friend with benefits to see her looking back at me, she smiles and so do I. We had planned on seeing each other tonight before we got paged, we actually had planned on having an actual date tonight for the first time ever and I was going to tell her I liked her and wanted more than to be a hook up. I guess that's a conversation for another day now.


It's now been six hours and I have treated many patients, the E.R has now quietened down with all patients either being discharged or moved to inpatient wards. I say goodbye to my final patient of the evening and Callie catches my eye as I remove my gloves. She is applying final bandages to a ladies arm but I wonder if they know each other as they seem overly.. flirty, oh my gosh Callie is flirting with a patient right infront of me. Wait she doesn't even know I'm here. She's flirting behind my back, that's even worse. I stand, watching as the patient laughs at something Callie has said, Callie's wide smile starting back at her and I feel my chest tighten. I want to walk away but I can't take my eyes off them.

Callie finishes with the bandages, takes her gloves off and throwing them in the trash. I watch her every move, mesmerised by everything from the smile on her lips to the way her hair flicks as she moves. My happy thoughts are soon broken by the patient making love heart eyes at her every move, Callie hands her a pot of cream and the patients hand rests on Callie's arm. I clench my fists and resist the urge to go over there and shout at her for touching my Callie.

I felt like I watched them talking forever, talking, smiling, laughing, touching, flirting. I blinked away tears as I fought back the sobs in my throat. Get over yourself Arizona, she isn't your girlfriend, I thought to myself, I took a deep breath and removed the apron over my scrubs and discarding it in the trash. As I turn my eyes flick back to Callie and I see the patient handing her a small piece of paper with her number on it. I lean on the wall for support watching how the next few moment we're going to play out. I internally scold myself for waiting too long, I should have told her how I felt when I had the chance and now it's too late.

The patient left and Callie was left stood there starting at the number, her eyes flickered across the writing focusing on the ink. I wait to see what she does with it assuming she's going to put it in her pocket or type it straight into her phone. My hands fall clammy and my heart rate increases as she starred intently at the paper, I throw my head back and take a deep breath unable to regulate my feelings. I look back to see Callie ripping up the piece of paper in half, she walks across to the bin pushing the button with her foot to open it. Her gaze meets mine and she tilts her head slightly wondering if I saw the number she had received. Our eye contacted remained and she held the ripped up pieces of paper in her hand. Busted. I bite my lip knowing how bad this looks, I'm jealous over a girl who isn't even mine. Without looking away Callie drops the torn up paper into the trash.

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face knowing she had thrown the number away. The patient was attractive and was definitely interested in her, she could have easily have easily taken the number but she didnt. Callie removed her apron and discarded of that aswell before making her way over to me. The smirk on Callie's face along with the raised eyebrows told me she had made a note of my jealously. My cheeks soon flushed with embarrassment as she edged closer to me and my head dropped to look at the floor, "Arizona" Callie's voice was soft but by this point she was right infront of me. I bit my lip but kept my eye contact with the floor. I felt her finger underneath my chin tipping my head up towards her. "She was pretty, but she isn't the one I want" the smirk had been replaced with a smile and her words sincere. "I mean she was pretty..." I began but her finger moved from my chin to my lips signalling for me to stop talking "I think you're pretty, actually I think you are beautiful. I get lost in your ocean blue eyes, your dimples are my favourite and your smile lights up the room" if my cheeks weren't flushed before they sure as hell are now. "I like you Arizona, so no I don't need a girls number, I have the girl I want right here" I can no longer fight back the smile, knowing she wants me in the back I want her. "But your jealous side is cute, I didn't know it was there" her words mocked me but at this point I didn't care, "wait til I get given a girls number and see how you react" I tease, she let out a single laugh before shaking her head "nope, no numbers or the green eyed monster will appear because I am more jealous than you will ever know. No-one gives my girlfriend their number" Callie tells me, her hands now entwined with mine as we walk towards the resident lounge but my ears only pick up one thing. She called me her girlfriend.

Arizona Robbins- One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now