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Jessica Capshaw x Eva (Sofia)

Buzz buzz

I am woken by my phone ringing, I check the caller ID and see it's Shonda

"Hello"  I answer still half asleep, "Jess, darling I am so sorry to call in the early hours but there's been an accident, can you meet me?" I suddenly feel very awake, "of course, who is it, is everyone ok?" I ask while grabbing my joggers from the drawer and throwing on a hoodie. "It's Eva's family, they called me as she had her crew coat on from set yesterday but she's asking for her Jessy", I felt a lump form in my throat as I grab a bottle of water out of the fridge. "Where are they? Where do I need to go?" I ask pulling my trainers on as quickly as I can and grabbing my bag and keys. "I'm about 3 minutes from your apartment block", I quickly lock up and head downstairs. I check the time and it's just gone 5am.

By the time I make it outside, Shonda is pulling up. I quickly get into the car and she drives off, I feel tears fall from my eyes, "She's ok, Eva, from what they told me she sounds ok" Shonda reassured me. Eva plays Sofia, my onscreen daughter and we have the best bond, her parents drop her off in the morning and she spends her days with me. They both have very intense jobs and were very career focused. I don't have children of my own but she's my mini best friend and I am very protective of her on set, she use to have a nanny but she always wanted to me with me so I happily took her on, I love that little girl to pieces.

Within 10 minutes we arrive at the hospital, because it's only 5:15am it's quiet and there are plenty of spaces to park. We make our way into the E.R and we get asked to sit in the waiting room. Although we've only been sat here for a few minutes it feels like forever, I pace back and for the waiting for someone to come in and tell us what's happening.

"Jessy", my heart stopped as I turned to see Eva being rolled back into the E.R, I ran towards her and grabbed her hand "it's ok sweetie, I'm here now, I'm not going anywhere, ok?, I promise" I can see she's got a number of cuts and bruises, her arm in a sling and a big bandage on her head but she manages a small smile as she squeezes my hand.

I see the doctors talking to Shonda and I know it's not good news from the look on her face, but I try to keep my smile for Eva. "Hug please" Eva asks me with tears in her eyes, I look at the nurse who nods in approval. "Just watch her arm, it's broken" the nurse informs me. I pull the side down on the bed and wrap my arms around her, "they died didn't they, mommy and daddy, they both were asleep and not breathing" I held her tightly as tears escaped my eyes. "Yes sweetheart, they did, I'm so sorry" Shonda announces as she enters the room. I feel Eva squeeze me even tighter and I quickly wipe the tears staining my face knowing I need to stay strong for her.

Eva was kept for observations for a few hours, she now had a purple cast on her arm and her head had been stitched up. "Hi Eva, my name is Linda and I'm from children's services, I'm sorry to hear about you mom and dad but I'm here to discuss what happens next" Eva looks at me, she looks terrified, I pop a light kiss on her forehead "it's ok sweetie" I try to be reassuring but I have no idea what's going to happen now. "We have spoken to your Grandma who is currently looking at flying over from Mexico but we need to get somewhere for you to stay until she arrives so I'm going to contact some of our foster families"  the social worker tells us. Eva's grip tightened on me in fear, "She can stay with me" I blurt out without even thinking, "Jess" Shonda realising what I said, "it's just til her Grandma arrives, she knows me and I have the extra bedroom, it makes sense right?" I look at Shonda for approval and she nods. "I'll need to do a home inspection and you'll need references but we can expedite the process given the circumstances, is there two people who work with both you and Eva we could contact?" I look to Shonda "yes, me. I'm Shonda Rhimes, producer and screenwriter", they leave the room and I can see them filling in paperwork through the window.

I look down to see Eva asleep in my arms, it's probably for the best that she sleeps for a few hours and it's good to know she isn't in too much pain. I quickly take out my phone and call Sara, I explain what's happened and ask if she can give a reference for Eva to come and stay with me until her Grandma arrives, she agrees without question. Sara is Eva's other onscreen mom and while they are close, Sara has her own children so is often on and off set sorting those which is completely understandable. I don't have that responsibility so spend my free time on set as my friends are there and I also look after Eva between sets. I guess being Auntie Jessy to Sara's kids is the closest I've ever had, and I love spending time with them too. There's only three people in the world allowed to call me Jessy, Sara's two and Eva.

It's been about two hours now and the doctor came in and Eva started to wake up "Hi Eva, I'm Dr Kelly, how are you feeling? Can I take a little look at you to see if you're ready to leave?" The doctor asked, Eva nodded in her still sleepy state and the doctor ran a few tests. "I'm happy to discharge, we'll schedule an appointment for 4 weeks to come back and look at the arm, keep the cuts clean and if you notice anything unusual please come straight back, do feel free to give medicine if needed for the pain" I nod and thank her for her time. The doctor left to sort Eva's discharge and hope Linda has managed to sort the paperwork for Eva to come home with me. Shonda had taken my keys and opened up for Linda to do a home inspection, while I take care of the place I had been woken at god knows what time this morning so I just hope nothing goes against me.

"Jessica, can we talk?"  I looked up to see Linda in the door way, Shonda comes in to sit with Eva and I head outside, "I know the apartment wasn't perfect, I hadn't cleared up from last night and yes I had a glass of wine but I promise I am more than capable of looking after Eva and", "Jessica stop" Linda interrupted, "I wasn't there to judge if you had dishes in the sink, or dirty clothes on the floor, I was there to make sure it was safe, and I'm more than confident that you can give her a safe environment, that along with your references from Shonda and Sara, I'm happy so you can take her home" she smiled and I was so relieved. "I won't bother you today but I'll pop by in the morning to check in and provide an update, here's my number if you need anything just call" I thank her and go in to get Eva who is ready to be discharged. "Let's go sweet girl".

Arizona Robbins- One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now