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THERE HE WAS, in the middle of an intimate conversation with a 'friend' that Carl clearly despised.

He had always known that an acquaintance with Levi was far beyond his reach, but he still wanted to watch over him like a protective brother. Reserved as Levi was, he was desired by many for his good looks and amiability; his dark sapphire eyes and ringlets of rich brown hair fit the perfect role of a gentleman, which made him an excellent example for an object of admiration. When girls wanted to drape themselves over him, boys were so intent on being the one to lend him a shoulder or helping hand whenever needed. It was getting presumably exhausting for Carl to do his job when he could never get the boy alone; he was always with some other guy, wherever he was.

When a veiny arm slithered up Levi's waist, Carl had had enough. He got up from his seat abruptly, ready to bolt to the boy's rescue. Unfortunately for him, a strong hand held him in place.

'Keep your emotions in check, please,' said Leon, shooting him a look of great disapproval while the girl beside him smirked.

'Oh, Carlson,' she said condescendingly. 'Isn't it time you took action for what is essentially yours?'

As much as Carl loved his cousin, she never let a moment pass by without making it evident that he was the cause of his own sorrow.

'Keep your ugly emotions to yourself, Savvy,' snarled Leah. 'It's not the right time to create a scene. Of course, you'd know nothing about that.'

'What's that supposed to mean?' said Savvy loudly.

Leaving them to finish the argument by themselves, Carl left the table. He silently strode out of the lunchroom before he felt obliged to break contact of Levi and that arm. He didn't want to ruin a friendship, although it was certain that it was going to be, sooner or later, utterly destroyed. He strutted down the empty hallway, not at all expecting to encounter anyone.

'Excuse me...?' a voice rang through the corridor, and Carl turned around slowly, recognizing the unmistakably brilliant voice.

He was distantly aware of how he had not brushed his hair properly that morning, and how big of a stain was hanging over the front of his jumper because his baby sister had dropped a peanut butter sandwich on it. He whole-heartedly agreed when Savannah said he and Levi were no match for each other. But his heart, it seemed, refused to accept this as it began to drum against his ribs, slowly gaining speed.

'Er... How can I help you, Levi?' said Carl, trying to appear nonchalant.

'You know my name,' Levi cried out in amazement.

'Everyone knows your name,' said Carl matter-of-factly, trying his best to not out himself in front of the golden boy.

'I don't think so,' said Levi sceptically. 'Anyway, the reason I came to you is that...'

Carl leaned in obediently, trying to catch whatever was going to come out of his mouth. They were only standing a few feet away, and Carl could have sworn that this was the closest that they had ever been to each other.

'I want to ask you if you have a girlfriend,' stuttered Levi, presenting weird motions with his hands. As if that explained everything. 'Or a boyfriend, for that matter.'

Carl was certain that both his eyebrows had shot up to reach his hairline, making him look befuddled. It was getting very difficult to breathe, all of a sudden. It would have been polite if Levi could at least blush a little.

'Why'd you ask me that?'

'I'm not sure if you'd ever agree to this, but I think you're the perfect candidate to drive the others away.'

'What do you want?' said Carl, shock evident on his face. 'Are you trying to use me as your fake date or something?'

'Something like that,' breathed Levi. 'I'd like you to pretend to be my boyfriend for a few months, and see how that goes. I assure you, it's a win-win situation.'

'How exactly?' wondered Carl, his face crunched in confusion and disbelief. 'What do I get from being your fake boyfriend? Or, most importantly, why does it have to be me?'

'Because you're good-looking and smart,' Levi took a moment to say. 'And you look like... you give off very possessive vibes.'

Carl could feel his eyebrows shoot up and disappear into his hair.

'Which guys do you want to scatter, exactly?' asked Carl, ignoring the words that had just nonsensically sprouted out of Levi's mouth. 'The guy who clings to you like a moth to a flame all the time?'

'He's one of them,' Levi smiled, which Carl simply had to ignore. 'I just want to stay alone for a little while.'

'Why all of a sudden?' said Carl, countering if he had seen Levi behaving in an unusual way recently. 'Don't you enjoy being the centre of attention?'

'Not really, no,' said Levi, feeling intimidated by Carl's interrogation. 'Being popular comes with a price, and I need to lay low until I leave college. I know you're a busy person, and that's why I come with a deal.'

Being the perfect fake boyfriend that Levi needed was already a big step for Carl; he didn't need anything more to persuade himself.

'What do you have in mind?'

'I was thinking,' began Levi, 'that maybe I could help with the big project you chose for our literature course. I have a lot of resources to help you with that one, if you'd let me.'

'And I have to be your lover until when?' asked Carl, suspicion still etched on his face.

'Until we both leave college,' said Levi. 'The end of the year, which is nearly six months to go. We can help each other, and we can break off our agreement in exactly six months before we finish our exams, and go our separate ways.'

'What if you become a burden to me?' asked Carl questioningly.

'I won't,' said Levi. 'Just wait and see. You know that I'm talented when it comes to dealing with works of art, right?'

What Carl didn't know was how to not fall for this trap that might end in a grand disaster. He didn't know what backup plans he had if this failed and put him in depression. He had no idea if he would get out of this without a broken heart, but as sure as the sun will rise, he was sure to not reject this opportunity.

He also knew his artistic ability was much higher than anyone in his form. So, why exactly did he agree?


Hi, it's me.

What do you think about the story?

Give me a little more time; it takes time for me to gain momentum once I start writing a story.

I assure you, it gets better as it goes.


Fun question: Do you think they'll kiss? In which chapter?


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