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Carl was determined to not mind the fact that they were inside the school; or to be exact, in a locked room filled with art supplies. It wasn't his intention to be trapped in a dimly lit room with the one person that made his heart race faster than it ever had. He wasn't to know that the storeroom door had no handle from the inside. He decided to briefly forget it until his mission was accomplished.

He had had enough of the trash talk Ryan was giving back at the cafeteria table. Before Levi had given him a light kiss on the lips, he had always had problems with watching certain scenes unfold: scenes where Levi was served food by other people and he was set up with double dates and so on. Now, though, he was positive that it wasn't one-sided. He had always been good with reading minds, but it didn't mean he wasn't nervous as he sprang into action.

Levi gasped in a mix of surprise and happiness as Carl repaid the favour with a smooch. He parted his lips in surprise, and Carl took the unintended opportunity to enter his tongue into Levi's mouth, taking him by double the surprise. Levi moaned blissfully as he responded to Carl's soft kiss, inviting him in.

'I wanted your first kiss to feel like this,' Carl whispered against Levi's mouth, before he crashed his against Levi's left ear in an attempt to converse better. His sentences barely fixed, he muttered something incoherent into Levi's ear.

'Are you trying to tell me something?' Levi chuckled nervously, his breath accelerated.

'I... I'm the first to...' Carl's voice trailed off, although he was sure that all that he wanted to convey was understood.

'Mhm,' answered Levi, his eyes closed in an attempt to carve every moment into his mind.

The room seemed to be shifting and turning, and the sunlight creeped in through the window. For Carl, it felt like the whole room was on fire, warming up to their close embrace. Before either had time to fully process what was happening, he broke off contact with Levi, keeping his guard up. Suddenly, he remembered what Ryan had said, 'there must be a good reason he's using you.'

As if he could read Carl's thoughts, Levi pulled him flush against his body, leaving no space between them from top to toe. Levi's hands instantly went up to his waist and held him in place, as if he was worried Carl would disappear the second he let go of him. His hand went up to rub Carl's left ear, as if to let him know that everything was absolutely fine. Surprisingly enough, it seemed that Levi had discovered a hidden soft spot.

'I don't know what you're thinking,' breathed Levi, his blue eyes wide and incomprehensive. 'But I'm not doing this because this is my first time and I would do it with anyone. Not because of the heat of the moment; not because you're my fake boyfriend; not because I'm scared that I'd die in this room without getting to kiss anyone ever in my life—'

'The last time I checked, you weren't into me,' said Carl, feeling lost. 'I'm your fake boyfriend.'

For the first time that Carl had been with him, Levi looked actually hurt. It made Carl want to take the boy's face into his hands and caress his hair and console him, but he knew it wasn't his place to do those things (yet).

'When I asked you to be my boyfriend,' Levi gulped down the sadness, 'it wasn't because I thought you were the best candidate. I mean, you were, but not for the reason you think it was. I wanted you because I've had a crush on you since elementary. I've wanted you ever since I can remember.'

It was Carl's turn to be muddled after taking everyone around him by surprise for weeks in row.

'I thought you never noticed me until now?' he asked as his eyes softened immediately. 'You never talked to me... not once.'

'I never was a bold kid,' smiled Levi. 'The one who sent you a Christmas letter every year in Primary School, that was me. The one who stuck a heart sticker on your locker in Year Seven when you had a girlfriend, was also me. And the last time we went on a field trip, I hid all the Easter eggs in your territory just so you could win,' he laughed at remembering the reminiscences. 'You can't say I never noticed you.'

Not knowing what to say to that confession, Carl simply leaned forward and kissed Levi softly on the forehead. His hands itched to touch Levi, but he decided to not make aware of how much he craved this boy.

'Aren't you the one who never noticed me?' asked Levi, his voice barely audible.

Before the conversation could go on, someone banged on the door loudly.

'Carlson! Are you in there?'

A second later, the door burst open with a loud sound, and Levi immediately let go of Carl. They both scurried away from each other and towards the exit as the smoke died down. It seemed that Savannah had broken the door down her way, but having it her way always landed one person or another in detention. The unhinged door was hanging by a few nails; there couldn't have been a better demonstration to how Carl was feeling, his whole being held together by a few strings. 

'You were trapped in here?' asked Savannah, addressing Carl. 'Has it been long?'

'N-no,' said Carl, shooting an askew glance in Levi's direction.

Savannah missed nothing as she looked back and forth between the two boys, leaving no space for privacy.

Before she could voice whatever unfiltered thoughts were entering her mind, Leah entered the room looking out of her mind. It was then that Carl noticed Leon was right on her heel.

'I see we've got some problems,' he tutted, and Carl hoped he didn't see anything behind that broken door.

'Was it stuck?' asked Leah immediately. 'I know it gets locked from the outside, sometimes.'

'We were just getting some art supplies that the teacher asked us to bring,' Carl knew it wasn't a lie. 'How was I to know we'd be trapped in here.'

'Good thing you guys came along,' added Levi, and Carl whipped his head sideways to catch the mischief in his eyes that only he could recognize.

'Professor Brooke is waiting for us,' said Leah. 'Let's head back.'

'Do you need any help carrying those?' asked Savannah, pointing to the art supplies on the floor that the boys had forgotten all about.

'It's fine,' said Levi, collecting half of them onto his arms.

As they walked back to the classroom, Carl trod on the heels of the others and followed suit. When he saw Savannah stop and wait for him, he knew he had it coming.

'Is it still the first kiss?' she brought a finger up to her chin to show her consideration. 'Or the second?' She smiled at his horrified expression, and suggested, 'or maybe it has already surpassed both?'


Is this part worthy of a vote?


Fun question: So, you've got three options.

Is it still:

a. The first kiss?

b. The second kiss?

c. A kiss surpassing all the above?


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