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AT THE TOP of the stairs to Levi's house, Carl stood on his toes and rang the doorbell. Standing close to Levi, he held the injured boy by his waist to support his weight. Their shoulders touched and fingers brushed against each other's. He felt his heart leap out of his chest as the door clicked open from the other side, leading the way for them to come inside. 

A tall boy towered over them as they slipped inside; his eyes were the same dark blue that only Levi could claim rights to, and his hair was just as silky and smooth. Carl could have been fooled into thinking that they were brothers by blood, or better, twins. They weren't the same for Carl, though, because Levi was in fact more charming and pretty. As Levi snuggled closer to him, he was suddenly conflicted as to why he felt that way only with the popular boy. He had always only had eyes for Levi. 

'You must be Levi's friend,' said their new acquaintance. 'I'm Louie, Levi's brother.'

'Step-brother,' mumbled Levi as he breathed heavily, his warm air grazing over Carl's neck.

'Nice to meet you, Louie,' said Carl quickly, ignoring the distractions Levi was unconsciously providing him with. 'I'm Carl... Levi's friend.' 

'Boyfriend,' Levi spoke up again, clearing the air between them with one massive word. 'I told you about him before.' 

'Yeah,' Louie broke into a grin easily. 'I know Carlos Weber, the boy my brother's obsessed with.'

'Not obsessed,' Levi corrected again, and Carl wondered if he was going to keep this up. 'Just infatuated.'

'That's even worse,' commented Louie, laughing it off. 'Oh, how could I forget to invite you in?' He asked, looking at Carl. 'Come on in, I have lots to talk about with you.'

'I don't think so...'

This time around, Carl laughed alongside Louie. 

'Did they give him any medicine?' asked Louie. 'They can make him drugged, sometimes.' 

The three boys went into the living room. Speaking of the four walls that provided shelter for them, it was nothing like Carl had imagined in his head countless times. He had expected a big mansion that spoke volumes about the unceasing popularity of the family. But it seemed they preferred a solitary existence that Carl had not foreseen.

Carl sat on the settee next to Levi. That had been a mistake, because Levi immediately scooted closer to him, leaving no space between them. And because they were in the presence of Levi's big brother, be it by birth or not, Carl's face heated within a second.

Louie cleared his throat loudly, waking Levi up from his vivid dream.

'He's just here for the long vacation,' trajected Levi, as if that was the introduction that Louie deserved.

'And?' Louie pressed. 'What about the mum and dad and only cat?' He smiled and turned to Carl from where he was seated opposite the two boys. 'He's usually very talkative... This is the first time I've found him so silent around anyone.'

'It's probably the medicine,' Carl provided.

'Well, it's good to know you talk with each other,' chuckled Louie. 'I think he's already told you all about our family?'

'A little,' confessed Carl. 'Not enough to get a good picture, though.'

Louie nodded understandingly. 'We're probably not what you expected,' he said. 'Our parents will be back by the evening. If it's not too much for you, could you please take him upstairs to his bedroom?'

'Of course,' promised Carl, swinging one arm over Levi's waist to support him as he helped the other boy to stand up.

Louie patted Carl's shoulder encouragingly. 'I'll leave him to you, then. I have some work to take care of.'

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