part : 21

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"Fahad Fahmi" ( 3×)

(An: 3x here means 3 times)

Ayesha's POV

" Mr. Fahmi " what is he doing here ?
As the principal shouted his name, I immediately looked at him, and he was already looking at me with a smirk plastered on his lips ______

Not only did I mention his name but two other people also expressed shock and amazement. And it's Summi and Ammna. How do they know him, and why did they call his name?

Authors pov

Ayesha looked at Fahad, astonished and full of questions. But she didn't modify her facial expressions and stood still, as if it didn't affect her.

As the principal discussed their introduction and arrival.

" Mr . Fahad Fahmi" welcome him dear students. He is the leader of this group.

Welcome, Mr Moncef. Mr. Muhammad Amine and Mr. Adam. They are his partners, and they are new gymnastics and sports trainers. They are also well-versed in nearly every sport, which is why their club name is "The Fitness Fanatic," which means "the group who enjoys working out and staying fit together." There are two more individuals in their group who will come shortly.

Mr. Moncef and Mr. Mohammed Amine are sports trainers, while Mr. Fahad and Mr. Adam are gym trainers who can help you in boxing and gun shooting.

We will have an extra sports time starting tomorrow because the sports season is approaching, and we want all kids to engage in any of the sports events.

We want our university to be at the top in terms of co-curricular activities. We wish to participate in extracurricular activities, and we already know that we are in last place in these activities. We wish to increase our reputation and rating.

I hope you will all cooperate with us. And, most importantly, by participating in these activities, you will get 20 points.And it is not a choice; it is mandatory for all students.
So, let them introduce themselves.


As the principal began to explain everything, he exited the stage and summoned Fahad and his teammates.

First, Fahad arrived and began his statement with "salam alaykum." He thanked Mr. Mahmoud for his hospitality and respect. Well, thank you for welcoming us. I don't have anything else to say, but please cooperate with us. Health and fitness are vital, but so are sports and education.

So, starting tomorrow, your university time is 9 a.m., and no excuses will be allowed. We will begin fitness first, followed by sports training. That's all I have to say, and I hope you all understand it. Fahad finished his statement and departed the stage.

"Is he giving a speech or ordering us? Rude, guy! Huh! "Ayesha rolled her eyes."

One by one they all introduced themselves and give their speech.

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