Part : 28

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Author's POV

"Maham, wait! Let me take you home," Zamin said, trying to catch up to her, but she acted as if she hadn't heard him, continuing to walk as if she didn't care. Inside, however, Zamin was dying because of her ignorance over the past few weeks.

"Maham, I said wait, otherwise it won't be good!" He said, growing annoyed, finally losing his patience after being ignored for weeks. But Maham was trying to be stubborn, continuing her actions.

"Maham, please! I beg you! Why aren't you talking to me or listening to me? Did I do something wrong?" Zamin pleaded, his eyes moist, as he stepped in front of her, trying to stop her. She startled but continued walking, causing Zamin's heart to ache, his eyes filling with tears.

"Why have you become so heartless? Do you hate me now? Do you like someone else? Do you hate my presence so much that you won't talk to me?" Zamin asked, his voice pained, standing a little distance away from her. His words made her stop in her tracks, but he couldn't control his emotions. Her ignorance was killing him slowly. He tried every way to talk to her, but she always tried to avoid him, making excuses.

"If I did something wrong, please tell me. I'll try to make it right between us. But don't hurt me like this. You are causing me pain; I feel like I'm dying every day because of your ignorance. If you're angry with me, just tell me, and I'll try to make it up to you," Zamin said, still standing in the same place, waiting for her answer. Maham was also hurt, standing there like an emotionless person. His words were cutting her heart into pieces. She was clueless about how to talk to him after what had happened in her life. She was afraid and insecure, worried that he might go away and start to hate her.

"What do you want to talk about?" Maham finally spoke, her few words acting as a balm for his injured heart. He had longed to hear her voice, and now that he did, his heart was beating so fast it felt like it would come out of his chest. Her sweet, calm, yet cold voice made him shiver, but he wanted to hear more.

"Say it quickly! I don't want people to think poorly of me. And we're not in a suitable place to talk. Someone might see us and assume things," she said in a cold voice, still facing away from him. She was unaware of his feelings, how he felt right now. He was happy that she had spoken, but he didn't agree with her words. He silently stared at her back until she spoke again.

"Don't you want to talk now? Okay, then, I'm going!" she said, starting to leave slowly because he wasn't saying anything. He was lost in his thoughts, but her words brought him back to reality.

"No, no, I want to talk. Let's talk, but not here. I know you're not comfortable here," he said, looking around, realizing the place was uncomfortable for both of them. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable. He saw she had started to walk, but he stopped her and said, " Wait," then took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, Assalamualaikum Abdullah Uncle. I saw Maham in the market; she's alone. May I drop her home if you permit?" He dialed her father's number just to ask for permission. "How much gentleman he is ! ," she thought to herself, falling more and more for him, not just for his personality, but for his heart and soul. She was already deeply in love with him, but now she was falling even more. She was falling for his kindness, his heart, his soul. The only thing on her mind was, "How can someone be this good? Am I delusional, or is this a dream?" One thing was for sure: she didn't want to wake up from this dream.

" Let's go now, Uncle Give me permission to drop you Home . When I have your father's permission, no one will dare to think ill of you. I will consider your insecurities first and foremost because I am in love with you and always will be!" he said happily, heading towards the car after confessing so easily, without considering that the poor girl's soul had left her body.

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