part : 30

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" Where are you stupid girl? Chameleon idiot girl'! " He said gripping his hairs in frustration.

As Fahad walked, he continued to ask people if they had seen a girl matching Ayesha's description. Most people shook their heads. The more time passed, the more desperate he became.

"Excuse me, Uncle! Have you seen this girl?" he asked an old man, showing Ayesha's picture. The old man looked at the picture while squinting his eyes but after a few minutes he replied.

"Oh, this girl? I saw her going towards the park. But she didn't look well. I asked her what happened, but she said she was fine." Hearing the old man's words, Fahad felt a small sense of relief and thanked him before hurrying towards the park.

He reached a small park near the street and decided to take a quick look around. It was a place she often visited to clear her mind. As he entered the park, he noticed someone sitting on a bench in the distance. His heart skipped a beat as he hurried towards the figure, hoping it was Ayesha.

When he got closer, he saw her sitting there, lost in thought, with a distant look in her eyes. Relief washed over him, but it quickly turned into concern when he noticed how distressed she appeared.

" Ayesha! Thank God, I found you. Where were you? Where is your phone? Do you have any idea how worried everyone was? You are so irresponsible and childish. It's been 3 hours since you disappeared. Do you know how much Alisha has cried? No, you don't have any idea. And why would you think about it?"

Fahad blurted out, not noticing how his anger was affecting her. He didn't realize he was making her feel even worse. She was already struggling inside with her feelings, and Fahad's words made her feel even weaker. He was speaking loudly, but she remained silent and didn't say anything.

When Fahad realized she hadn't responded, he suddenly became silent and stared at her, feeling a pang of guilt. After a moment of silence, he broke the silence and asked in a calmer voice, "Ayesha, what happened? Are you okay?"

"What happened? Huh. We've been so worried about you!"he said, his voice a mix of relief and worry.
She looked up, startled, and as their eyes met, she burst into tears. She cried even more. "I'm sorry, Fahad. I didn't mean to worry everyone. I just... needed some time to think. I didn't mean to make you all worried."

Fahad sat beside her, gently placing his handkerchief on her lap. "It's okay, Ayesha. We're just glad you're safe. Let's go back. Everyone is waiting for you." He said and stand up but she didn't.

" I need some time. You can go I will come by myself and tell Alisha not to worry about me . I will be fine after sometime". She said still looking down' sobbing. A little did Fahad felt something wierd inside his heart but he wasn't able to understand what is this feeling and Why he was feeling distressed.

" No I can't leave you here like this. It's not safe so just stand up and let's go. I will inform everyone untill then go towards the car or else" he said in a demanding tone that made her a little triggered.

" Or else what? What will you do " she said in a little annoyed expressions. " Don't underestimate me stupid girl " he said as he now feeling annoyed.

" Listen don't interfere in my matters. Like you said iam a stranger so bhave like one . And go from here I don't want to talk with you " Ayesha said while standing up from the bench and sat on the other side of the bench ignoring his words fully.

" Why are you so stubborn Ayesha? Okay you will not listen to me! Okay then. " He Said and unlocked his phone and dailed someone's number that made Ayesha confused and she raised her brows in confusion.

" Salam Alaykum Hamid Baba! " When he said these words Ayesha widened her eyes in shock and quickly stand up from the bench and came towards him immediately. But he continued talking to her father.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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