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From your personal sleeping quarter, the Emperor's eyes watch you with attentive intensity while you babble on about your current perfume masking tincture, curated specifically for Illithid kind.

"I am still in the process of correcting it for universal Illithid use, but for now, it has proven to mask an individual mind flayer's natural pheromone by incorporating a mixture of their bodily mucus with the solution," you chime on from within the private laboratory conjoined to your designated sleeping quarter. "However, the tailored perfume's lifespan is young. So far, it has only held up for one quarter of an hour. On top of that, I can only assume that every individual body will have a different aversion to the chemical effects."

"So, it has been assessed..." the Emperor queries. "On whom, exactly?"

"Omeluum of the Society of Brilliance was willing to."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Since I have taken part in their many potions before, it is only reasonable that they do the same in return."

The Emperor's mind wanders for a second. The thought of the experimental potions you have undergone new knowledge to him. He scans you up and down, your back turned toward him while you are occupied with your tincture. To the Emperor, you look fine. No oddities are detected except for your rare illithid features. And. You seem fine. So, he does not express further concern on the short-lived thought.

"What were their results?" He asks.

"A mild case of temporary warmth on their skin," you say. "The perfume masking tincture worked for Omeluum. Blurg said he could not detect Omeluum's illithid scent."

"A minor success toward Illithid kind is a worthy feat."

"Uhm...yes..." You think about his comment for a moment. You had not thought of it from that perspective. At least not wholeheartedly since the tincture has not yet been perfected.

"Ah. You are correct," you agree, changing your former opinion. "Thank you for your input."

A light tickle of mirth hums at the back of your head, stopping your overly excited self from talking any further. You notice how he is staring at you, and it sends a vibration of chills down your thin body as you set the cylinder filled with clear-like liquid back into its placeholder.

"Your brain both threatens me and amazes me at the same time," the Emperor says in a calm tone, sitting at the ledge of the bed you frequently sleep on.

"As does yours," you praise him in return.

He then motions a hand toward your direction. With a slow twist of his wrist and a slight inward curl of his fingers your feet and body are telekinetically lifted off the wooden panel floor.

"You are truly...exquisite," he compliments you, pulling you to him, your much smaller and thinner frame softly falling in-between his mauve-purple hands and sprawled thighs.

A bubbling pressure of rising warmth simmers beneath your cerebellum, and you stare dreamily at the Emperor with your black-green irises. While you admire him you get the feeling that he wants something from you, and his patience for that particular thing will no longer endure the ticking of time for another minute.

"Open your mind to me," he beckons you to, his large hands resting on each side of your clothed waist.

You extend a hand out, and you tenderly brush his face with the back of your pale-mauve hand. Carefully, you run the tips of your fingers down the side of his face and then onto the nearest tentacle. You recall the last time you two were in a position like this and you remember a particular area that thrilled the Mind Flayer quite a bit. Gingerly, you rub the tentacle in your hand the way his heightened nerves seem to like it, your fingertips gliding across his moist skin while you watch his lower lids retract in enjoyment. His faint subtle vanilla and garlic scent enticing and his breath quickening.

Afterward: Of Sword & Shield (Emperor x Tav)Where stories live. Discover now