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As you enter the location Withers had provided you with for the reunion party, you find yourself familiar with the area.

“There you are.” Shadowheart greets you with an unexpected hug. “I was wondering if you were ever going to show up. Ah—and it looks like you do know how to dress up when you feel like it.”

You hug her back. Her hug is tight and comforting as the both of you stand near the water’s edge.

This is where it all began. You recall. Where Lae’zel, Gale, Shadowheart, Astarion, and you first camped out in the wilderness together between Roadside Cliffs and Emerald Grove.

I’m a busy mind flayer,” you half-joke with her as you let go of each other.

“I don’t doubt that.” She remarks with a giggle and a bright smile. “Hm. You feel more…supple.”

And you look good too,” you compliment her back.

“I know.” She smiles confidently. “It sure beats having to scavenge for food. Ugh. I remember nights when we barely had anything to scrape by with.”

“…” You reflect on her comment. Your memory of the camp supplies growing scarce a rare occurrence since you made it a priority to stockpile on the daily.

“So, tell me, what have you been up to? Still adventuring?”

You observe Shadowheart for a second. She is genuinely content with her life, and that notion gives you a sense of untroubled joy for her.

The Emperor and I have been busy making plans, and it has been proving itself promising,” you say without further explanation.

Her face contorts a bit. An expected expression of concern, doubt, and happiness mixed into one.

“As long as this Grand Plan doesn’t involve innocent mass murder or tadpoles, I’ll leave you two to it,” she says in a teasing manner.

And you? What have you been up to?” You ask.

“Mostly adventuring myself. Though, I do not know if I would call myself a full-out Selûne follower yet,” she pauses for a moment and then resumes. “But I’m willing to find out.”

Will you become Selûne rhetoric?

“Oh gods, no. I don’t know how you were able to put up with all that.”

It was manageable.

She laughs at your response and then says, “I know my parents were devoted followers of Selûne. With Shar…I was never given the chance to choose. At least this time around, I have a choice and can pave my own path even without my past memories.”

Your parents will be proud of you, Shadowheart.”

She smiles softly at you. Her fond memories of adventuring alongside you sentimental. And the single kiss the two of you shared beneath the dark skies that night with a bottle of vintage wine poured into your brass goblets, unforgettable. “Thank you, Tav. That means a lot. Now, don’t let me stop you from catching up with everyone else. I’m sure they all want to catch up as well. I will see you around.”

You hug each other again, and then you wander away from the moonlit water’s edge to the blazing bonfire lighting up the night sky where Wyll happily danced.


After you had bid farewell to Wyll and his newfound mercenary life, you float to view the elaborate spread of savory dishes and fruit on the extended dining table.

Afterward: Of Sword & Shield (Emperor x Tav)Where stories live. Discover now