Additional Insight

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Additional Insight:

- Tav ends up travelling with the Emperor after they reunite, and they go on many explorations together while conducting business at the same time.

- Tav does finalize the scent masking perfume tincture for mind flayers, and it holds for a duration of a long rest with a minor, temporary side effect of -1 intelligence.

- The Emperor and Nevine’s relationship gradually get less awkward as they continue to work beside each other—their relationship is less awkward but not tightknit, though respected and filled with trust.

- Nevine is willing to turn into a mind flayer only if it is offered by Tav, but Tav is indifferent about it. The Emperor sees it as an opportunity to pass down Knights of the Shield operations since Nevine is severely loyal to Tav and has proven herself dependable, but who knows if she will evolve with strong memory of her former self.

- Emperor once held a conversation about Tav laying a clutch of eggs when they are mature enough to, and then further expressed how he would like to ensure the survival of a couple of eggs maturing to their tadpole stage so that he may observe their features and final transformation into newborn mind flayers since Tav had consumed the brain of a githzerai warrior and the brain of the githyanki Prince Orpheus, giving Tav special psionic resistances. Tav was not pleased with the idea, but he hasn’t thrown the idea out into the astral planes either since it may prove itself beneficial in the future.

- Tav met Nihiloor for the first time and somehow adopted an intellect devourer after their departure. Emperor does not seem to mind the adoption of the brain dog.

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