How To Tell A Story...

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    How does one exactly tell a story? Is it the idea that presents itself? Or is it a prologue to future thinking?
The idea of storytelling changes with whoever presents an idea. You, for example, can tell a story with relative effort and thrive off the ideas presented by you.
    And in the end.. to discover the hubris of the mind itself. But, there's an amazing silver-lining to the madness. An opportunity too great to give away. The idea of creativity, and hope itself.
Both are too great to lose, yet both are safeguarded by pride and regret. So it's up to you to find your place, to establish a sense of self-worth and control.
It's up to you to choose to become a thinker about life or to stay ignorant of the situation.
  The true joy of writing would had never been found for me, if it wasn't for all who supported me.
This is my heart-felt thank you. ♥️

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