An Unforeseen Beginning (CH 5)

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"No one know what happens in complete and utter silence, not even a single soul nor whisper could be heard. It was quieter than silence itself. All of the unknown faces seemed to become familiar with mine after a while, but... I always felt uneasy. I never thought that my life would be so... devastating." - Test Subject #2001

After reaching the building's interior, the inside looked rather practical, yet luxurious. And there were small, little multi-colored puppies running around several of the staff members. Unfortunately, as I was walking, I apparently didn't notice that I was about to step on a rather loud dog toy. It somewhat caused a bit of a domino effect. First there was one running toward me, then three, then eight, and then eight-teen. I was soon overwhelmed and toppled over by all the dogs, where I only made a small yelp upon toppling over. The caretakers, who were now just approaching, audibly laughed and said, "They really like to see new faces, but they haven't done something like this to a person before."

I turned toward Delta and he seemed to ignore me. I swear Delta was holding in a hearty laugh from his point of view, as he had turned away and seemed to be visibly humored.

And like I said earlier, a domino effect, one of the pups, which was red with green splotches, took a very important card out of my pocket and ran away. I really needed the card back as it was my entry letter into the Corporation. It was Andrew's Business Card, as it seemed to earn me some form of recognition among corporation patrons and employees. And I might have needed it to obtain my actual keycard.

So, I shook off most of the pups, which resulted in all of them biting me. It hurt like hell to yank each of their locked jaws off of me, but I managed to make some distance long enough for the caretakers to recontrol the situation.

I eventually caught up with the dog, but instead of running away again, it pressed a paw on the vending machine it stood next to and continued tapping where a cola stood, I honestly felt like I was in a fever dream upon seeing this as I didn't expect a dog, let alone a puppy, know how to do trade tactics. But I really needed my card back. So, I unwillingly bought one of the colas for the pup and laid the cola in front of it. Then it finally dropped the business card and drank the soda, holding it with its front paws. It downed the cola in mere seconds, and talked in the sincerest young voice, "Thaaank Yooou!!" And it dashed away before I could say another word.

I was shocked and appalled by the occurrence, but before I could alleviate my own questions, a familiar face appeared behind me with Delta. "Honestly, he seems to the hang of things just fine here, despite his natural antics of perhaps ruining his first appearances, he's good material," Delta relayed to the figure, which as he approaches closer and reveals himself to be Andrew, that employer that got me into this job in the first place. And he was also holding that small pup, which also seemed to enjoy Andrew's presence. " I see you've met Abble. She's a snarky young pup, but every so often displays high intelligence that even puzzles me," Andrew stated, putting Abble down onto the ground. Interestingly, she made her way to me and wagged her tail in response. "As you can see, she very much likes you... and we haven't really found a way to ensure she doesn't reach every floor of the building, so... there might be a high chance you might see her again once you take the elevator down a few floors," said Andrew. "In fact, maybe there might be something else in store for me, as this is one of many things that I never expected to happen. Abble is typically not a everybody person unless you seemingly prove your intent toward her." 

That's when I realized that my card being stolen was supposed to be a test of competence, and that I unintentionally passed it by showing kindness despite the obvious infuriation I had.

Delta stood forward, and seemingly seemed to show a bit less hostility toward me.

"Yeah, honestly thought you'd blow up at her like most of the other guys, it's not exactly a major thing, but... it details how you are as a person. I can kind of respect what you did for once, but... anyone could do what you did." said Delta. 

Delta then said, "Come on, can't keep the team downstairs waiting, they've been expecting you for a while now." He also motioned toward an elevator for us to continue downward. 

Andrew stood back and pet Abble one final time before walking to me and handing me a keycard with an illustrious hue, with one small creative detail. A golden colored crown marking. I was confused by the marking, but by the time I looked back up Andrew had already walked away with Abble in tow. The card had a note taped to the underside. I peeled of the tape and read the note.

Hey King, as that has how you preferred me to address you.

Never thought you'd arrive so soon; I honestly don't know why the HR team made your card such a big deal. It honestly seemed like a normal recruiting for me, but it seems like you have something that they were looking for. I'd go talk to the administrator on the lower floor to figure out more. 

Nice seeing you here,
[LMX Co. Recruiter]

Delta kept motioning me to make my way into the elevator as we were running on a limited time frame, and I stopped thinking about the note for then to run to the elevator.

The wait within the elevator was an out of body experience. I had felt uneasy the entire time and the wait didn't seem to alleviate the situation between me and Delta, of which I doubt that we were on the best of terms. He kept glancing at the door impatiently as I was.

So, I attempted to ease the situation by conversing with him. I attempted to ask more about the facility and what some floors do. 

Delta responded, "Classified for some floors, but our floor is something else. It's where most scientific research occurs within the facility as it has direct access to the cave we discovered not too long ago."

So, I figured that I was working within a cave, which seemed cool enough. But before I could really ask more about the facility, the elevator doors opened toward the lobby. 

There was a bit of conflict occurring within the lobby center between two employees, those of which were screaming profanities at the other. Delta quietly assured me by letting me know that the two were lovers at a point, but things honestly never seemed to work out through a small notepad he had kept in situation just like this one.

We both walked past the screaming duo to reach the reception desk, and I once again saw my friends after what felt forever. Both Lemo and Jenny seemed to exclaim my name after seeing me, Lemo came up to me and shook his head before making a remark, "Guess you snoozed a bit too long, eh? Can't believe you had to get escorted personally by... uh... who is he?"

Delta came forward and introduced himself directly as the bus driver who drove us here, and he seemingly relieved that he was able to finally say is one of the lab worker's assistants down on the lower level.

Lemo paused, then asked, "Ah, interesting... but I'm wondering why you decided to pop out for a bit? It couldn't have been just for King, right...?"

Delta annoyingly sighed, and said, "That was pretty much the gist of the entire situation and I still have to take King along to the lab team. So, if you mind..." He motioned a move-out-of-the-way, before leading me further along. He stopped and said, "Honestly, it doesn't matter if you stay or go, you'll end there sometime today, especially if you already got your keycards." Lemo and Jenny look at each other and reluctantly take his awkward invitation since they were going to be there anyways. Meanwhile, I'm marveling in the sights of the facility. Never do you see a cave with such beautiful scenery. And crystals... 

I paused myself for a second, "Why in the hell did I specifically call out the crystals?" I shook my head and continued walking alongside the small group toward the main lab. 

Hopefully I'd learn more as much as I saw. Only time will tell.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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