A Learner's Beginnings (CH 2)

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"The phone kept ringing endlessly, it never seemed to end. Even going past the phone line disconnection, something felt tense about this call, as I knew that it was the only way to finally move forward."

It had felt like hours had passed for this phone call, I felt as if I had become ancient within that timeframe of waiting with the phone.
My anxiety and stability were off the table, I couldn't even remotely stay calm or collected. Everything seemed to melt into one another, and I began to slowly lose myself to insanity as I began to heard the tiniest noises.

Before I had completely lost it, the phone stopped ringing. But rather, it had accepted the call request, which meant someone had connected to the line.
I knew I couldn't exactly hide my anxiety directly, but I chose to ignore my thoughts and continue with the call.

The voice rang out, "To whom am I speaking to?"
From the answer, I realized that I was directly speaking to the man himself. I didn't expect him to respond as quickly as I thought he would, and to be honest.. I thought I'd have to get through a secretary first. Wasn't actually thinking he'd give me his PERSONAL phone number.

But in the end, after maybe a minute of silence, I spoke up, "Hi, I wanted to reach back out to you for that job application you'd mentioned in the past?"


"I figured that I could apply now, accept the work terms and join the Laminax Co. workforce?"

Andrew responded haphazardly, "I'm glad that you thought it over, but you've been entirely too long in your thinking."

He then goes silent for a minute, then responds, "Sorry.. just a bit irritated with something as of this moment.. but I'll get the papers ready, just be sure to travel to [REDACTED] (No free locations.), and buzz in the intercom. Tell the security guards that I gave you access to the area."

Andrew proceedingly begins to sigh before the phone line is mysteriously disconnected. Leaving me in the room solely alone, with a half-powered cellphone in hand.

I groan at the thought of having to PHYSICALLY having to interact with security guards, but.. it makes sense.

Laminax Co. is a really serious company, I've heard some folkstories about how they've used to use disobedient workers or criminals in their.. "experiments."

Now that I say that, it reminds me that the American government sponsors their every move as one of the leading fronts in technological biology, and with a more current breakthrough of finding a new material. Not exactly sure what it was though.. my memory of the material seemed to fade after the long period of me forgetting.

I stopped myself before I went further down my rant. Instead, I began to prep for the work of a lifetime. A trip of a new start. A new beginning.

I hope this was a good decision on my end..

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