Past Ghosts

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"You know I'm not the only fallen Angel in hell right?", Corax said, taking a satisfying sip of his tea.

"Yes but your the only one I speak to frequently"

"Fair point Charon, fair point. Which reminds me", Corax said, setting his cup down. Shadows formed in one of his hands taking the form of a book. Setting it down he slid it to me before I picked it up to see it was the book I was looking for.

"Ah, an original copy of the Grimm Fairy tales I asked for. Nothing like getting it from the source", I said happily he was able to get it. I asked if he would be able to track down not just a copy but one written by the Grimm Brothers themselves. There's a story in there I hold very dear to me.

"Pulled some strings and followed some leads to find this specific copy, the very first copy"

"So you took a trip to the mortal realm then?"

"I know why you wanted this Charon and I was happy to get it. You've been a great friend ever since I arrived here in hell. Though it was a surprise, it was a welcome one for the time. When will I be getting the next set of records from your cases?", he said with a hint of excitement. 

You see Corax if it isn't obvious already is a fallen angel like Lucifer. Originally he was tasked to personally keep an eye on Hell to make sure they didn't plan a full uprising. Overtime though he slowly saw that hell's citizens weren't as hopeless as most angels thought. He saw redeemable aspects that led him to bring a case before heaven. You can see where that led him. Now he's what you could say hell's historian and records keeper. Any information about hell and its history, no matter how small or big it is he recorded it. It's also free to access at any time at one of his Libraries scattered around pentagram city.

"Soon, I just finished our fortieth case which means records of each case will be sent over. Most likely in the next few days"

"Ah how exciting, I enjoy looking over your cases Charon. They're always fascinating to take a deep look at. oh, I'm also going to be releasing my "History of Overlords" book soon. Finally able to track down the last records of one overlord"

"Can't wait to read it", I said, raising my cup before taking a sip. We soon went into small talk talking about how our jobs are doing along with hobbies we picked up. It's funny to me thinking about what we're doing right now. Two overlords having a casual conversation. Though if others knew what they really saw many would be running. That's for us to know though.

During our small talk the television in the cafe started playing a special broadcast. Seeing it was Katy Killjoy I quickly ignored it along with Corax but the next name that came from her caught both our attention. Charlie Morningstar, daughter of Lucifer Morningstar. Seems Katy got a personal interview involving a passion project she had. She created a hotel in an effort to help redeem sinners so they can get into heaven. While Corax seemed more intrigued with the idea I gave an unseen glare. My grip on my cup got tighter, forming small cracks on the glass. The interview quickly turned sour when Killjoy started bashing her idea leading to both getting into a fist fight that led to the feed being cut.

"Well, it seems I wasn't the only one who believed in it. What's your thoughts Charon?", Corax asked me.

"It's a waste of time that'll lead to more people being hurt and a war with heaven. Not like they'll listen to begin with anyway. You and Lucifer are living examples. It's a pointless dream"

"I thought there was a time you believed in it as well"

"It died among other things. Pleasure as usual Corax", I said, dropping some money and leaving. That was before he said one last thing.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forward. Soren Kierkegaard''

"till next time", I said heading back to the court house.

On my way I stopped calling my chauffeur we were heading home for the day. Once he picked me up the whole trip I stared outside the window deep in thought. Thinking about what the princess of hell's project. As I've said before people will get hurt with this and it won't work. It won't stop the exterminations any time soon, just give sinners false hope. They didn't listen to Corax or Lucifer and they'll continue not to listen. Heaven's too worried about their own agenda. For a moment my reflection changed to a younger me but quickly vanished just as fast as it showed.

Arriving home I told everyone I would be in my office and would not like to be disturbed. Walking in I took a seat at my desk still trapped in my thoughts and even some memories. Lost memories, lost ones that should have stayed lost. Looking outside my window at hell I saw my image change to my younger self again. When I arrived in hell I still had some skin to my bone but it slowly all decayed away. So my younger self comprised half my face with the bone showing. Someone could have called me a zombie at the time. He was staring at me with pity.

"Don't give me that look", I said to my reflection annoyed. I knew why he gave me that stair and I hated it but he continued to give it to me anyway. It got to a point I slammed my hands on my desk standing. Walking up to the mirror I gave him my own glare of anger back.

"We should turn and just walk away. We can't help but cause more pain", I sang, turning away. With my arms behind my back I looked away.

"Wounded more with every word that we say. The memories remain". Stopping, I looked up having those memories run through my mind. Feeling pain with all of them.

"Here we are. Once again. Questioning the end. Am I supposed to let you go?", I said, turning around to see my past self looking at me. No longer a reflection.

"Don't tell me now that you hate me. For never letting go! Let there be no doubt I can't live my life without you!", my younger self sang. Soon the room vanished into a dark void where it was only me and my younger self. Walking up to me we both looked at each other before I turned away again.

"I close my eyes and still hear the screams. That would tear apart our world. I keep reliving everything. I can't believe how much this hurts", I said, swiping my hand to the side. Turning around I glared at my younger self in anger.

"Here we are! Once again! Still questioning the end!", we both sang together.

"How can I let you go!? Don't tell me now that you hate me! For never letting go!", he sang pointing at me. I stayed silent, not sure how to respond.

"Let there be no doubt. I can't live my life without you!!!", he sang, grabbing me by my suit. He slowly let go of my suit though putting some space between us.

"Here we are. Once again. Still questioning the end. How can I let you go!?!?", I sang, my voice sounding desperate. My younger self walked to my side with a good space between us. In the void cracks like seen on glass formed around us showing shards.

"Don't tell me now that you hate me. For never letting go", he sang looking past me.

"Let there be no doubt. I can't live my life without you", we both sang. Soon hazy memories of the past quickly formed around us but even though they were hazy I knew what they were.

"Don't tell me now that you hate me. Because I don't want to let you go. It's like living hell. For me to live my life without you, oh-oh-oh!", my younger self said, putting his hands on my shoulders. Soon we both looked at the memories together and they now became clear. All of them showing my past and the beliefs I once held in them. As each played out they slowly began to vanish before all that was left was me.

"oh-oh-oh", I sang quietly looking down.

"Sir, is everything all right?", Chester said walking in. Taking a long sigh I straightened myself out before speaking.

"Get in touch with the "Hazbin Hotel" Chester. Arrange a meeting with me and miss Morningstar. There's business I have with them", I said. With a simple "yes, sir" he left the room. Looking back out the window I saw my younger self with a smile before vanishing.

"We'll see, we'll see"

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