The Hazbin Hotel

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Sitting in my office I was going through old papers reviewing old and new deals I've made. I like to do this to remind myself what deals I have made. You've been around as long and made the amount of deals I have. It's understandable you lose track. It's why I have miss Mayberry around to help keep track of my deals. It also helps to see if any deals may need updating or changing with the person I made. Which does remind me that Miss Mayberry's is coming to an end in a few days. Truly hope she chooses to say, she has been a great help around the manor and work.

Speaking of which she just walked in. As usual she had her red blouse buttoned up with a darker shade of red for her skirt. Couldn't help but see her hooves and horns were a little shinier than usual. Nice to see my gift is working. Walking up to my desk I peaked up pulling my glasses down. A skeleton with bad sight, bet you didn't expect that. Thankfully I only need them for reading.

"Your meeting with princess Morningstar is soon sir. We should head out soon"

"Thank you miss Mayberry. Seems I lost track of time as usual", I said, closing my book before it vanished. Have to love sorcery in hell.

"I'll go get the car ready", she said before leaving.

When she left I stood up stretching after sitting for so long. Walking to the side I grabbed my Jacket putting it on but not before putting my shoulder holster on. Then going back to my desk I opened a drawer to see a specially designed colt 1911 with the words "Memento Mori". Was a gift from Carmilla for helping her one time. It's fully functional and I hold it very dear to me. Holstering it I made myself presentable before heading outside to meet Mayberry.

Walking down the steps Miss Mayberry was waiting patiently with her clipboard held close to her chest. As I walked up she opened the door letting me in as she followed after me. taking our seats we were off. Reaching into a small compartment I grabbed a Cigar with a cutter cutting its end then putting it between my teeth. Miss Mayberry leaned forward with a lighter lighting it for me earning a thanks as I took a puff.

"May I ask something sir"

"of course miss Mayberry"

"Why did you arrange this meeting?". Silence fell after as I thought about how I should answer her. I could tell she was getting skittish which is due to when I go quiet many say I look like a dead man.

"To see if it's possible", I finally answered. This answer earned a confused look from Miss Mayberry.

"Believe it or not, Miss Mayberry I once believed in something similar but it died. Now I feel those old beliefs returning, yearning to live once again. it's not smart to deny ghosts what they want Miss Mayberry. Or one can be given deadly consequences for doing so. So I wish to see this hotel for myself and if it's bringing forth the goals that she wishes. Then maybe I may just give a helping hand to help ease the ghosts of my past". I said truthfully. Miss Mayberry was caught off guard by my honesty.

"Why are you telling me this sir?"

"Because unlike others I find you to be one of the few most trustworthy people. You do handle my books along with other personal matters for me everyday. So with that you deserve the truth more than anything", I said, surprising her again.

"But you could have easily lied sir"

"true but you should know I never lie. To lie denies one a truth. Truth that even sinners in hell deserve. That is what I refuse to do, hide the truth. Heaven has its lies and Lucifer himself even has his but I am neither. I bring true equality in a sense, or at least some semblance of it", I said with a slight hint of a red glow in my eye sockets.

"The longer I work for you sir the more of a conundrum you become"

"*chuckles* good, I like to keep people on their toes"

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