Dad beat Dad

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Two Months, that's how much longer we have until Heaven's next extermination. In that time I've made arrangements to keep my people safe along with other arrangements for future plans. For right now I sit in my room enjoying my coffee in my robe and black silk pajamas with Miss Mayberry as she drinks tea in her normal attire. We both were going over case files that needed my attention. Shuffling to another file I let out a long sigh before setting the file back down.

"I have told the Imp numerous times that the case is done and there is nothing he can do to change it or I. Even if he asked for an appeal or retrial it won't change anything. Who even spends that much money on horse riding lessons? that it be there's or someone else's", I said annoyed.

"Can't say sir, guess I'll do the same as last time?"

"Yes, but push his next request back seven years this time. three was too nice for the last one. Seems I ran out of coffee. Need to stretch my legs anyhow. Probably best I check in with the others anyhow", I said standing up. As I stood up I grabbed my cup heading to the main lobby.

Walking through the halls and down the main staircase I came across everyone looking at something in the sitting area. Their looks all ranged from confused, worried, and excited. Heading down I looked at what they were all staring at to find what could accurately be called a mess. Hearing steps behind me I looked over to see Vaggie.

"What's going on?", she asked. I just looked back toward what we were all seeing. To say it's a mental breakdown would be an understatement.

Charlie currently had the whole sitting area turned into a theory board. Multiple papers with writing and hand drawn were stuck to the walls with red string attaching some. Charlie meanwhile was zipping all over the place rambling. Her current state of dress pointed toward getting no sleep as her hair was a mess and her sleeves rolled up. More proof was shown with her bloodshot sleep deprived eyes. She could also be on a caffeine high as well. Looking at my cup I decided against more coffee for now.

"Yikes", Angel said, joining us.

"Hey, Charlie. You...good?", Vaggie asked.

"Nope! Not really! I've been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn't working!! We've done trust falls, we've tried sharing our feelings. We only have a couple of months before the angels come! Hahahahahaha!", she said as she went full demon for a second. This is not a good look for her.

"And at this rate...."

"Maybe it's time", Vaggie said, cutting her off.


"To ask"

"Don't say it!", Charlie begged.

"your dad"


Everyone's attention quickly shifted to me. They all looked at me as I stood still before looking down at the broken mug that used to be in my hand. She wants to call her father? Now that sounds like a terrible idea. Seems dropping my mug also broke Charlie out of her rant.

"Charon, you ok?", Husk asked, confused why I dropped my mug. Shaking myself out of my thoughts I looked down at the broken mug.

"Sorry about the mess, I'll clean it up. Must have gotten stuck in my thoughts again. Do we really need to call Lucifer here? I'm sure miss Charlie can figure it out with a little more time"

"As much as I love your support for Charlie Charon we need every advantage we can get"

"He let the extermination happen to begin with! They just had a meeting and said go ahead and kill everyone. Wait! That's it!", Charlie said having a realization. Wonder where this is going.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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