Part 61

238 2 35

Third Person POV


Overrated or Underrated?

That's the question that goes through Allison Evergreens mind every year. Normally she's alone, in France, with no one except herself, Anelia obviously and madam Maxine of-course. Just the three of them, but that's what made each years so special.

But this years different, this year Allison Evergreen and Jake Evergreen are together for their 17th birthday.

The last birthday they shared was what felt like lifetimes ago. And their friend group and friends being the people that they are know that this is a big deal for the twins, is it because they are together?

Is it because their parents are dead?

Could it be that it's because they found out that they have an older brother and that their sister didn't die all them years ago leading to Allison having a trigger disorder that made Allison go on medication for years even though her parents knew that her sister never died and that they could have prevented Allison from ever have by a trigger disorder?

Or is it because this may be their last with a war on it's way?

But that isn't what matters, what matters today of the 17th of March is the day that Allison and Jake were born all them years ago, and with the help of Hogwarts, magic, family and friends this day would be unforgettable, but in a good or bad way? Or alternatively both?

Allison's POV

The way I get woken up is by water chucked on my head, no a bucket of water lobbed at my head by none other then Molly, Pansy and Daphne.

Yeah so now I'm soaking wet, in the shower, re-washing my hair which I washed last night ready for today, but the girls don't care about that do they?

No they don't.

I finish washing my shower -no forced shower- and dry myself before placing a drying spell on my hair. I put on my underwear and my clothes which I have picked for today, I'm really lucky because I don't have school today and it's a hogsmade trip day so it's a double bonus.

My outfit is simple but cute, it's a black dress with spaghetti straps that hangs around my mid-thigh, with black boots, a black leather jacket, a pearl necklace with a black headband for my hair.

I go back into my dorm to do my makeup, it's light only consisting a brush of my eye brows, black mascara, a bit of concealer under my eyes, and powder to make it not look cakey, then to finish off my look I put on a slightly purple lipstick.

When I'm done I turn around to see my friends are gone, I swear they were here 2 minutes ago. Anyway all that's left is a note that reads,

Hey Allie,

So because we are amazing people we are doing presents in your brothers dorm, I don't know why we do this but every year it's been the same, so when your done just head over there and we will all be there - including Mattheo who is going to love what your wearing by he way - so yeah just meet us.

Molly x

So I do what the note says and head to my brothers dorm. The walk was short, well I mean it wasn't it was a good 5 or 10 minutes but that's not the point.

By the time I reach the dorm, I open the door to see everyone sitting on the floor around Jakes bed, which is the only made bed.

Everyone immediately sees me and gets up to say happy birthday, it's weird having people actually wish me a happy birthday, in beauxbatons no one wished me a happy birthday well except madam Maxine and Anelia of course who always went out of their way to get me a cake and a present.

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