𝟶𝟶𝟹. 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚂𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜

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Feeling the sweat drip down her skin, Kara leaned over the toilet seat as disgusting mixtures of food and random drinks escaped her throat. Cursing to herself, Kara wiped her mouth once feeling she had finally finished churning everything she had eaten for the last couple of days. She stood up, cleaning her mouth immediately before looking in the mirror at her messy appearance: "morning sickness is a bitch," She confirmed as she looked at herself in the mirror.

After mustering the courage, Kara left the bathroom only to see her mom and sister with worried looks. She knew that they knew what her situation was at this moment. "How far along are you?" Alex asked her with a concerned look.

Kara cleared her throat. "I don't know. I didn't go to the clinic I was too afraid the results would become real," Kara said as she walked out of the bathroom to her bedroom.

"I can understand that, but as your mother, I'm disappointed in you. I told you about protection and being safe," Eliza told Kara as she looked down.

"I thought I was being safe. I took the pill just to be safe," Kara said playing with her hands.

"Later after school, we can drive you to the clinic just to be sure. Pregnancy tests aren't always accurate," Alex said as Kara nodded her head.

They left her bedroom as she got ready for school. She didn't know how to act around Oliver after he told her that he was getting back together with Felicity.

She needed to tell her coach about her situation and then deal with Oliver and having to lie to him about her pregnancy. The thing is she was more worried about what his parents would think about him being a father.

When she walked through the school she spotted her friends standing by her locker. Kara quickly walked over to her girlfriends as she spotted Oliver with his ex-girlfriend... Excuse her girlfriend now.

"Hey, how's the morning sickness?" Sara asked Kara.

"Terrible. My mom and sister know about my pregnancy. I'm more worried about my dad finding out," Kara said whispering to her friends.

"They didn't kick you out after finding out?" Laurel asked Kara.

"No, my mom is just disappointed in me for not being careful," Kara said shrugging her shoulders.

"Come on, we should hurry up and get to class," Sara said grabbing Kara and Laurel's hands and dragging them to class.

They were taking notes in class when Kara felt her stomach turning and ran out of the classroom. She knew that she wasn't about to make it to the restroom, so she found the closest bin before throwing up her breakfast this morning. Tears formed in her eyes as she finished being sick, holding her hair back before deeply groaning as she looked in the bin, grimacing at the sight of her own sick. She reached into her back pocket and grabbed a mint piece of gum that her sister gave her for her breath before entering the classroom again.


Kara was strolling the hallway, it was free time. She was just thinking in her head about how long she had to ignore Oliver before he figured out she was purposely ignoring him after he told her about him getting back together with Felicity.

She was too into her thoughts that she didn't hear her name being called until it was loud enough to take her out of her thoughts. "Kara!" Oliver said running after her.

"Oh, hey, Ollie," Kara said covering her books over her stomach.

"I've been looking everywhere for you. You haven't spoken to me after Tommy's party," Oliver stated as Kara looked nervous.

"I've been busy with cheerleading and hanging out with my friends," Kara said coming up with an excuse on top of her head.

"Oh, I thought you were ignoring me after I told you about me and Felicity," Oliver said as Kara felt another wave of sickness coming through.

"No, I've been busy and hanging out with my family," Kara said hoping this conversation was about to end.

"Great. The basketball team and cheerleaders are gathering for some burgers later and I was wondering if you'd like to come. Sara and Laurel will be there, so I figured you'd want to come as well," Oliver said as Kara covered her mouth.

"I would love to grab a burger, but I can't. I'm sorry I need to go," Kara said running off to the girl's restroom and rushing into one of the stalls and locked it.

Kara upchucking everything she ate as she arrived. Groaning, she heard the door open from the girl's restroom. She furrowed her eyebrows, Kara quickly wiped her mouth with toilet paper before flushing the toilet and walking out of the stall to see Oliver Queen.

"This is the girl's restroom ─ what are you doing here?" Kara asked as she went to the sink and washed her hands before taking a sip of water and spitting it back out.

"I had to check if you were okay. I noticed you have been acting differently after telling you about Felicity," Oliver said as he looked over at Kara, his lips twirled into a small frown. Kara bit her lip.

She cursed to herself. She looked up at him, and his complete blindness to their baby. He deserved to know, he should know. Her mind was filled with full of guilt as he had no idea about their baby, and he deserved to know ─ the baby was also his. It was selfish to keep it from him.

"You've been sick, like, a lot," Oliver placed enthusiasm on 'a lot' with a head nod to complete his words. Kara felt her chest tighten as her breath staggered in her throat, Kara looked away from him and twisted her body. "I know," She told him.

"It's kinda worrying because, you know, we both slept together and you're having the symptoms that pregnant people have," Oliver announced as he tapped her shoulder so she would look at him. Worrying? Kara bit her lip. 'does he know?' she thought her mind before she folded her arms and placed her weight onto one foot.

"Ollie..." Kara began to talk as Oliver dropped his shoulders. "Oh, no," He said knowing that the tone in her voice meant something important as she looked into his eyes, with kindness. "Ollie, I know this is something you probably don't wanna hear right now," Kara started before letting out a sigh and taking a deep breath.

"What is it?" Oliver asked knowing what the answer was, but afraid to hear the answer. "I'm pregnant..." Kara stated.

She saw that he froze. His breath left his mouth, trembling. Kara began to shake him a bit, to at least get a word from him.

"I'm sorry, I am sorry. I thought we used proper protection," Kara whispered to him as she felt tears slip from her eyes. This was the first time she had cried ever since finding out, and it didn't feel nice but it felt reasonable. This felt like the normal response to a college pregnancy; shocked and upsetting. Kara felt like she was too happy about the baby just for the reason of it being just hers.

"I have to go, my mom and sister are taking me to the clinic to see if I'm pregnant," Kara told Oliver and he nodded his head, the first action he took after she told him the information about their baby, was their incident. "Does your whole family know?" He asked her, stuttering his words.

"Except for my dad. Are you going to tell your parents?" Kara asked in a reply, hoping the gain an answer from the question. Oliver shook his head, Kara sighed before looking away and fixing her cheerleader uniform. "I have to, I'm always honest with them," Oliver said.

"I should go," Kara told him before leaving him in the girl's bathroom; shocked.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Sorry it took me this long to finish this chapter, I've just been on writer's block on how to finish this part. I'll be updating more of this book and possibly creating another Kariver or Super Flash.

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