#2 Nicknames

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Anakin: Ani
His mother used to call him that, so you use that nickname so he won't be as homesick.
You: My Love
You are his one and only love, and you always will be. He'd do anything for you.

Obi Wan: Honey
He's sweeter than honey, always doing nice little things for you and telling you how much he loves you.
You: Darling or Dear
You're his darling, the apple of his eye, his dearest y/n.

Luke: Handsome
When you first met, he was more adorable than handsome. But as you two got a little older, he matured and become one of the most handsome men you'd ever met.
You: Beautiful
From the moment he first saw you, he knew you were the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. You don't seem to realize that, so he has to remind you.

Han: Hot Shot
He thinks he's the best pilot in the galaxy, and you tease him about his big head. But you have to admit, he's pretty good.
You: Doll
You remind him of a porcelain doll. A perfect, sassy, butt-kicking, porcelain doll.

Lando: Eye Candy
You haven't quite figured out how you ended up on the arm of such a good looking guy, but he assures you that you're the looker in the relationship.
You: Sweetheart or My Lady
He's your perfect gentleman and he treats you like the lady you are. He's living proof that chivalry isn't dead.

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