Fives Pt. 3

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Minor Mishaps:
It was an average day in the med bay. No major injuries, no serious illnesses, it was nice and quiet. That was, until Echo came in towing Fives behind him. You saw that Fives was limping, and you face palmed. "What did you do this time?" you groaned. Echo snickered. "Go on Fives. Tell her what you did." Fives shot his brother a dirty look. "I was carrying some stuff and I dropped it on my foot, that's all," he protested. You stared at him, and he could tell that you didn't believe that for a second. "Ok. Echo, what did he actually do?" you asked turning to the other ARC. Echo grinned widely. "Oh it was much better than that. He was trying to carry three different crates all stacked on top of each other. He couldn't see where he was going and tripped. They all fell on his foot." You couldn't help it; you doubled over in laughter. Echo soon joined you while Fives glared at you both. "Laugh at my pain all you want, heartless creatures," he grumbled. As soon as you were able to compose yourself, you left to go get the supplies to tend his injured foot. But still, you giggled about it for the next several days.

First Kiss:
That first night that you had gone for caf after leaving the medical bay had gone so well that it became a habit for you and Fives. Every night that he could, he would stop by pick you up, walk you to the mess hall, and walk you back to your quarters after you'd finished. This had been going on for about two and a half weeks now and every night you looked forward to seeing him. And every night, he found a way to make your heart flutter. Sometimes it would be a compliment, sometimes it would be his laugh, and one time he even found a flower and brought it to you. Tonight was no different. He walked you back to your quarters, but instead of bidding you farewell and walking away, he stopped in front of your door, shuffling his feet. "Fives? What's up? Something wrong?"'you asked, concerned. His head jerked up. "What? No, no, nothing's wrong. It's just that..... I'd like to..... What I mean to say is..... Ah, screw it." He grabbed you by the shoulders and pressed his lips to yours. To say he took you by surprise was an understatement. In fact, you were so shocked that you couldn't process the situation fast enough to kiss him back. He pulled away in shame. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Goodnight, y/n." Fives turned to walk away, and then everything clicked. You reached out and grabbed his hand. You pulled him back to you and kissed him fiercely. When you pulled apart both of you were grinning. "Wow," you both said in unison, and the began to laugh hysterically.

Your comm chirped, and soon enough you found yourself sprinting to the hangar. The team had returned from The Citadel. You'd gotten word that Fives had made it, but his brother and best friend, Echo, had not.  You reached the hangar just as the Citadel team was disembarking. You searched the faces passing by, trying to find your husband. You finally spotted him coming down the ship's ramp. He looked exhausted and his armor was filthy, but you didn't care. You ran up and threw your arms around him. Fives held you tight and buried his head in your hair. "He's gone, y/n," he said quietly. "I know, Fives, I know," you soothed, rubbing his back,"Come on. You need rest.

You led him back to your quarters and sat him down on your bed. He offered no resistance, just staring down at his lap. Using the small kitchenette in your room, you prepared a cup of tea for yourself and for him in silence and brought his to him. Usually he wasn't much of a tea fan, but this time he took it from you without complaint. You sat quietly sipping your tea for a long moment, until you noticed little splashes in his. Fives was crying. "Oh Fives, you sighed sadly, setting your drink aside and again wrapping your arms around let him cry on your shoulder until you both finally fell asleep.

That One Annoying Thing He Does:
You hate it when he doesn't pay attention. For an ARC Trooper, he really can be clueless. Whether it's not noticing your new haircut, not remembering an anniversary, or, heaven forbid, forgetting to put that freakin' toilet seat down, it annoys the crap out of you.

That One Annoying Thing You Do:
He hates it when you take a long time to get ready for something.  Fives is not a patient man. It takes him 10 minutes and it takes you 30, which leaves him with a lot of sitting around and waiting to do. You look great already why do you need to do all the extra stuff?!

His First Thoughts:
Leave it to Echo to land himself in the medical wing. Holy smokes, he's not the only one. I'll never find him by myself with this many people in here. Maybe there's someone who- hello, hot mama! I think I'll be asking her for help.

He Walks In On You Naked:
You trudged into your room, muttering under your breath. Nursing could be a nasty job sometimes. You stripped off your scrubs and tossed them in the hamper. You pulled a fresh outfit out of a drawer, but numbed the datapad sitting on top. You sat the clothes aside and picked up the datapad. It seemed unharmed, so you set it back up on the dresser and reached for your clothes. You touched nothing but air. They were gone. You wondered what had happened to them, but then you heard snickering from the bathroom. Fives. You stormed down to the bathroom and flung the door open. "Give me my clothes back." "No. I like this look much better."

Last Words:
Him- I'm sorry, but it looks like it's time for me to go. I love you Mama, remember that.

You- We got 40 years in, that's not too bad. I love you too, and I'm going to miss you so much.

Song Themed:
Tenerife Sea - Ed Sheeran
You smiled and adjusted your short, white dress you stepped out onto the dancefloor. Okay, so it was just a cleared spot in the mess hall, but worked nonetheless. Well enough for a wedding reception, at least. "Are the newlyweds ready for their first dance?" Echo asked. Somehow, he'd ended up as the MC for this shindig. Fives looked to you, and you nodded excitedly. He smiled back at you, then called out to Echo "We're ready! Let's do this!" The music began and he led you out onto the floor. Swaying in each other's arms, you couldn't be happier, and you said so. Fives laughed softly and agreed. "You look gorgeous, did you know that?" he added. You smiled and giggled. "I'm glad you think so." "You know, y/n," he said, looking down into your eyes,"Should his be the last thing I see, I want you to know its enough for me. 'Cause all that you are, is all that I'll ever need." Your smile got even brighter and you reached up and placed a sweet kiss on his lips. The night could not have been better.

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