#5 What Turns You On

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When he kisses your neck. It's one of his favorite spots. He loves to come up behind you and start planting little kisses on your neck. You love it even more.

Obi Wan:
When he runs his hand through his hair. He does this a lot. When he's thinking, relieved or basically any other feeling, his hand is in his hair. It makes you crazy.

When he plays with your hair. Being the last of the Jedi can be very stressful sometimes. Whenever it gets really bad, he sits you in his lap and just runs his fingers through your hair. It drives you wild and he knows it.

When he's protective. Not so much as to be annoying, but he doesn't take many chances when it comes to your safety, either. You love how concerned he is about you, and you almost always show him just how much ;)

When he dresses nicely. Being the administrator of an entire city and a Rebel general, one would expect him to dress well, but Lando always goes above and beyond the call of duty. You adore his excellent wardrobe, you also prefer to see it on the floor.

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