Guys, I Am So Sorry.

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I know I promised you Kylo Ren. I know some of you had requests. But I am going to be honest with you: I have no inspiration left for this book at all. I was hoping putting a new character in would help, but it didn't and I hated everything I wrote for him. So, I am putting this book on indefinite hiatus. Maybe I'll come to back to it again, we'll just have to see. And I swear that when I do, I'll start with Kylo Ren. I am so sorry, but I want to write good things for you, but I can't do it on this book right now. If you still want to read some of my stuff (and I don't blame you if don't want to) I have another book I'm working on right now called Over the Edge. It's also Star Wars If things go to plan, I'll be starting a new one after I finish that one.

With love,

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