(Y/N)'s POV
The alarm woke me up at around 6:30 am. I groaned trying to slam the snooze button on the damn thing, but ended up falling out of bed.
"Oww...Stupid Alarm.." I mumbled and stood up. I stretched my sore muscles and heard some popping noises. "I still feel fucking sore from yesterday...I never thought being a ninja would be so hard." I continue to talk to myself as I head into the shower.
~Time Skip~
As I finished my coming my hair, when there was a knock at the door.
"Coming!" I yelled, exiting the bathroom and speed walked to the living room. I turned the door knob and saw the 3rd hokage.
"Hi!" I said giving him a small smile.
"Are you okay to visit the academy today?" He asked slightly concern about what happened yesterday. I nodded and stepped out of my apartment. We started walking and he began explaining the academy. I tuned some of it out since I already knew. About a few minutes later we passed a swing tried to a tree, and made it in front of a door.
"(Y/N), wait right here" The third hokage said and I nodded. He opened the door and closed it behind him, while I waited outside. I looked down at my feet and hear some mumbling.
Naruto's POV
"Naruto! How dare you do something so reckless and irresponsible!" Iruka yelled and I turned my head to the side not care what he was saying. It's always the same thing and it's beginning to annoy me. I heard the door open, but kept looking to side.
"Ahh, Lord Hokage" Iruka said and this caught my attention. I turnedmy head and saw the hokage right next to me. He looked down at me and sighed before looking back up to the others.
"Today you'll be having a new student" He stated and that got everyone else's attention.
"What's their name?!" Someone randomly said.
"Is it a girl or guy?" A girl said and everyone began to speak at once.
"I hope it's a girl" One guy told his friend and they both nodded.
"I hope it's a guy, but he will never be as cute as Sasuke-kun" I scowl listening to one of Sasuke's fangirl.
"Okay silence everyone." The hokage calmly said. "Come on in" he said speaking to the door. We looked at the door as it opened.
(Y/N)'s POV
I walked in feeling a bit nervous. All eyes were on me and a little blonde was tied up on the floor. It was Naruto. I stood next to the hokage and he placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and he gave me a smile.
"Why don't you introduce yourself?" the hokage said and I gave him a smile back. I looked back at the people in front of me and took a deep breath.
"My name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I'm 12 years old. Umm...if you get to know me more you'll know what I like and dislike and I'm glad to be here" I said giving a small smile at the end.
"Nice to meet you, (Y/N). My name is Iruka and I'll be your sensei until you graduate the academy." The man next to the hokage said holding out his hand. I took it and shook his hand, also taking in his features. He had his brown chestnut hair tied into a ponytail, his forehead being covered by his shinobi headband, and a large cut going over the bridge of his nose. He was also tan and looked young. "You may take your seat with the rest of the students" He told me and I nodded. The hokage left as I took my seat next to a girl with short blue hair, and white eyes. She looked at me and blushed.
"H-Hello...my name i-is H-hinata.." the girl mumbled and I smiled at her shyness.
"Hello Hinata, it's nice to meet you" I told her and she smiled.