"He's late~" Naruto groaned and he rested his head on the desk. After the class gathered back in the classroom, each sensei came to pick up their squad. Sadly Team 7 was the only one left. Naruto stood up and began walking in circles out of boredom.
"You're gonna make yourself dizzy" I warned him, but he ignored me and kept walking.
"Naruto, why don't you ever sit still?" Sakura frowned and Naruto stopped to look at us.
"Why is the sensei of Team 7 the only one late! All the other groups went somewhere with their new teachers already and Iruka-sensei already went home" Naruto complained and then began the bickering of the two. I slowly began losing my patience with them.
"Would you both be quiet" I told them gritting my teeth in annoyance.
"Okay..." Naruto and Sakura mumbled and finally there was peace. Not long after there was the sound of a chair moving against the floor. I looked up from my view of the desk and saw Naruto putting an eraser between the wall and the door. I bit my lip to stop the smile from coming to my face. I just loved Naruto's goofy side.
"God, What are you doing now Naruto?" Sakura said and Naruto hopped off the stool.
"It's a small prank..It's all his fault for being late.." Naruto mumbled as he took his seat next to me.
"Geez, it's your own fault if you get in trouble" Sakura scolded as she turned away from him.
"A Jounin isn't going to fall for a plain old booby trap, dobe" Sasuke spoke up for the first time since we entered the room.
'It's like he wasn't even here..' I thought and heard the door being moved. I looked to the front of the room and saw our sensei...Kakashi?! His weird grey hair was covered in white dust.
"He fell for it! He fell for it!" Naruto yelled laughing as he held his stomach.
"I'm sorry sensei. I tried to stop him, but Naruto didn't listen to me..." Sakura said as Kakashi brushed the dust off his head. Kakashi looked at us one by one and his eyes landed on me.
"For real? He's really a Jounin?" I looked at Sasuke as he mumbled that.
"Hello (Y/N)" Kakashi said and I looked back at him, seeing him smiling with his eyes closed.
"Hey Kakashi...sensei" I said and everyone looked at me surprised.
"You know sensei?" Sakura asked and I nodded.
"I fought him the day before I came to the academy" I told them and Kakashi picked up the eraser.
"Well..How can I say this...My first impression of you guys...I hate you" He said and I sweat dropped.
"Let's get going" He continued and we followed him out the classroom.
~Time Skip~
I felt the wind brush threw my hair as we sat down on a roof.
'Great location, Kakashi-sensei' I thought and sat near the middle.
"Let's see...why don't you introduce yourselves"
"Introduce ourselves? What should we say?" Sakura asked.
"What you like, hate, dreams, hobbies..Something like that" Kakashi explained and I began to think of what I was going to say.
"Hey, Hey. Why don't you introduce yourself first sensei" Naruto said and Kakashi placed a hand on his chin, cupping it.
"Me? I'm Kakashi Hatake.I have no intention of telling you my likes and dislikes. As for my dream..Never really thought of it. Plus..I have a few hobbies" Kakashi finished and I just really wanted to faceplam then and there.
"So all we found out was his name..." Naruto whispered and Kakashi cleared his throat.
"Now it's your turn" He said and pointed to Naruto. "You first. Naruto fixed his headband.
"I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I like cup ramen, but I like the ramen at Ichiraku that Iruka-sensei buys for me even more. I also like someone.." Naruto says and blushes. "I hatethe three minutes that I have to wait after I put the hot water. My hobbies are pranking, eating and comparing ramen cups!My dream is to become greater than the Hokages! I'm going to make all the villagers recognize my existence!" Naruto finished in pure happiness.
'Cute..but you have to much ramen on your brain' I thought smiling.
"Okay, Next" Kakashi said pointing to Sakura.
"I'm Sakura Haruno! I like...well, the person I like is" Sakura looked over at Sasuke, blushing. "And my hobbies is...well, my dream is too.." She glances at Sasuke again, but this time squeals.
"And what do you hate?" Kakashi asked getting slightly annoyed.
"Naruto!" She shout and Naruto slouched his shoulders depressed. I placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a comforting smile.
"Okay, (Y/N) your next."
"Hai. My name is (Y/N) (L/N). I like drawing, reading, listening to music, sleeping, food, animals, and other things. I hate bullies, the cold, snakes, pickles and someone taking my sweets. I have many hobbies and my dream...well I don't have one" I said and Kakashi nodded his head.
"Interesting, now last guy."
"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. There are a lot of thingd I hare and there aren't a lot of things I like. Aldo I have an ambition that I have no intention to leave as just a dream. The revival of my clan and to..kill a certain person." There was dead silence and it seemed like Naruto was freaking out while Sakura was a blushing mess.
"Alright, you four all have unique personalities. I like that. We're going to do a mission starting tomorrow" Kakashi said and Naruto jumps to his feet, saluting our sensei.
"WhaWhat kind of mission is it sir?!?" Naruto yelled like he was in the military.
"First, we're going to do something"
"What, What, What, What is it?" Naruto said growing excited and impatient.
"Survival Training" Kakashi simply said.
"Why are we going to train when it's a mission. We had plenty of training at the academy." Sakura said.
"This is no ordinary training."
"Then, Then what kind of training is it?" Naruto asked and Kakashi let out a laugh.
"Hey, what's so funny sensei?" Sakura asked and Kakashi stood up from his sitting position.
"Well if I say this, I'm sure you four are going to be surprised."
"Huh?" Naruto tilted his head in confusion.
"Out of the 28 graduates, only 10 are going to become genins. The other 18 are sent sent back to the academy. In other words, this training is going to be a very hard test with a dropout rate of 66%" Kakashi finished explaining and our eyes widen in surprise, while Sasuke looked the same. "See? You're surprised!"
"No way! I went through so much trouble..Then what was the final exam for?!" Naruto stood up mad as he pointed a finger to our sensei.
"That? It just picks out those who are qualified to become a genin." Kakashi gave a small closed eye smile underneath his mask.
"What?!" Naruto yelled looking slightly surprised.
"Anyways, I'm going to determine whether you pass or fail tomorrow at the training grounds. Bring your ninja equipment and meet me there at 5am!" Kakashi said as he turned around and faced the edge of the roof. "Now the, meeting over. Oh yeah, don't eat breakfast, unless you want to throw up." With that he jumped leaving us alone on the roof. We all were silent until Naruto let out groan.
"This is so unfair!!" He yelled out and Sasuke stood up.
"Sasuke? Where are you going?" Sakura said standing up as she looked at her life time crush.
"Leaving here" Was all he said as he jumped off the roof. Sakura looked at us and then soon followed his actions.
"Well.." I said noticing it was just me and Naruto.
"Can we get something to eat?~" Naruto whined as we heard his stomach growl loudly. I giggled and nodded as we left the rooftop.
~Time Skip~
After having dinner at Ichiraku Ramen, we separated our ways and I went home. Opening the door, I stepped into the dark hallway and closed the door behind me. I went into my room and turned on the lights. After some time, I got changed and went to bed.
"Tomorrow another day..." I whispered as I turned off the lights and drifted to sleep.