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AFTER SENDING A REPLY TO STILES, I quickly put on my jacket, headed downstairs to see if Allison had been picked up yet, and asked if I could hitch a ride.

When I reached the driveway, I saw Allison on the phone. As I drew nearer, a car pulled up. I furrowed my brows at it before realizing that this was Jackson's car, and I could see Lydia sitting in the passenger seat.

"Come on, get in. We can stop by his place and see if he's there." I heard Jackson tell Allison, and I stood beside her.

Jackson made a confused face, "What are you doing here?"

I rolled my eyes slightly, "I live here." Allison's phone beeped.

Lydia leaned over the console, "Is that him, with the best explanation ever of why he's half-a-freaking-hour late?" She said harshly.

Allison looked at her phone, confused. "Not exactly."

I looked over to see what the text said. Scott had asked her to meet him at the school.

"Weird, I got the same text from Stiles," I spoke up, and they all looked puzzled at my response.

I cleared my throat, "Scott texted Allison to meet him at the school, and a couple of minutes ago, Stiles texted me the same thing."

"Why?" Allison asked, and I shrugged in response.

"We can take you to the school, Allison; just get in." Jackson told Allison.

"Could I hitch a ride?"

"No." Jackson's response made me clench my jaw before Lydia slapped his arm.

"We're all going to the same place. It's more convenient if we all go in one car."

He looked at me blankly, and now I was itching to hit his face. "I'll pay you," I said through gritted teeth.

Before he could respond, Lydia cut him off.

"Yeah, you can come with us." Jackson looked at Lydia with an incredulous look on his face. I shot Lydia a grateful look, and Allison and I got into his car. I immediately regret asking because the backseat is tiny.


Once we got to the school, Allison, Jackson, and I exited the car.

"What are they doing here, anyway?" Jackson asked.

Allison shrugged before showing him her phone, "All I got was this."

Lydia poked her head out the window, " They lock the doors at night, you know." She said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"That one's open." Allison pointed to the wide open doors.

"And, that's the one we go through." I say with a smirk on my face.

"...You don't need me to state the obvious, right?" Jackson said warily.

"That it looks like they broke into the school? No-- pretty obvious." Allison's amused tone made me chuckle under my breath.

"You guys can keep chit-chatting, I'm just going to go in and find them." I say before walking towards the school.

As I make my way through the school, I take out the small silver knife and use the flashlight on my phone to light my way. The school was eerily quiet, and as I went up the floors, I could hear footsteps running around, and I quickly made my way toward them. There were a bunch of twists and turns until I almost bumped into a hard chest while turning into what I thought was an empty hallway.

𝙁𝙍𝙀𝙀 𝙁𝘼𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙂 ◊ 𝘚. 𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘓𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘒𝘐Where stories live. Discover now