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PETER PULLED ME up from the grass and kept his grip firm around my neck, his claws still extended and threatening to dig into my skin. The boys stayed kneeling, unsure of what Peter was going to do. I was pressed against his torso, and my hands grabbed his slashed sleeve, slightly clawing at it.

I could tell Peter was unfazed by the situation at hand because I could feel him reach into his jacket and pull out a piece of cloth.

"No, I'm- I'm not just letting you leave her here." Stiles refused as he stared at Lydia's blood-covered body. Percy's eyes were steadily on mine, and I could see his entire body was tense.

"You don't have a choice, Stiles. The three of you are coming with me." I could feel Peter's claws slowly dig into my skin. I grit my teeth together to stop the groan from escaping my mouth as I feel his claws puncture my neck.

"Just kill me. Look, I don't care anymore." Stiles says tearfully.

Peter suddenly moved towards Stiles and Percy, making me lurch forward, and his claws dug in deeper before they retracted. Peter reached out with his free hand, his claws still extended, and put a claw underneath Stiles's chin, making him stand up. Percy slowly rose alongside him, and Percy's fists were clenched.

"Call your friend." Peter lowered his hand. "Tell Jackson where she is. That's all you get."

Stiles pulled out his phone to call Jackson and told him where Lydia was and that she was hurt badly. Peter finally let go of his grip on my neck and stalked off to god knows where.

I gasped and stumbled forward, being able to take full breaths rather than the shallow ones I had been taking when Peter was first choking me. Percy stepped forward to try and catch me as I stumbled, but I was able to steady myself and hold out a hand to stop him.

"I'm fine." I reassured him as I rested a hand on my chest.

"You're not fine, you're bleeding." Percy's words were stressed and filled with worry as he stepped closer to me.

I raised my hand to my neck and winced when I grazed one of the wounds on my neck. I pulled my hand back to find my fingertips coated in blood.

"I'll be fine, I've had worse." I reassure Percy as I wipe my hand on my bare leg, swiping the blood on my leg.

Percy didn't look convinced, pressing his lips together in visible frustration at my stubbornness.

We left the field to Stiles's jeep, where Peter was waiting for the three of us. We got into the jeep, Percy and I in the back while Peter sat in the front with Stiles driving the four of us.

The jeep was filled with an unsettling silence before Peter spoke up.

"Don't feel bad. If she lives, she'll become a werewolf. She'll be incredibly powerful."

Stiles scoffed. "Yeah, and once a month, she'll go out of her freaking mind and try to tear me apart."

"Well, actually, considering that's she's a woman... Twice a month."

"Oh, hardy har har. Lydia didn't ask to be turned into a werewolf and neither did Scott." I spoke up, glaring at the back of Peter's head.

Peter shifted in his seat and turned to look at me. "Olympia, was it? You know I've heard about the Winchesters, but I didn't know John Winchester had a girl."

"That means he did his job correctly."

Peter's lip twitched before he turned back to face the front of the car, and the jeep pulled into a dark parking garage. The four of us exited the jeep, and Peter rounded the car to grab Stiles and Percy by the collars and pulled them towards a car a few spaces away from the jeep. Every muscle in my body screamed in me to kill Peter, but my dagger was left on the lacrosse field, so I trailed behind the three of them to a grey car.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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