Their Hit Girl

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"Blake! Come here! I want to show you something!" My best friend since birth yelled to me across the lobby of our high school. I glanced up from my notebook as I sat on one of the four benches placed there for people after school. She was examining the large bulletin board the school put up for student announcements. 

I groaned and closed my notebook. I set it down next to where I was sitting with my pencil on top of it before standing up and walking over to her. 

"What Ella? What is so important that you feel the need to interrupt my writing?" I grumbled as I stopped next to her and looked up at the board.

"Brian and his older brother are having a party tonight." She said as she pointed at the poster hung for everyone to see. I rolled my eyes and huffed before I walked back to the bench I was sitting at. I unzipped my bag and put my notebook and pencil back in there before walking back over to Ella. 

"I figured you and I could go. As our last high school party! We graduate in three days Blake! Come on! We need to have fun now!" She said as pleaded with me. 

"Fine. But I am not walking home alone after. There's to many horror stories about girls walking home from parties right before graduation and then turning up dead a few weeks later. I refuse to be one of those girls." I said as I pulled out my phone to tell my brother about the party.

After I agreed to go, Ella squealed with happiness and started jumping around. I raised my eyebrows at her hyperactivity issues before shaking my head and waving goodbye to her.

"I'll see you at the party Ella." I groaned as I walked out the door. I faintly heard her shout a bye as the front doors to my school swung shut. 
I looked at the parking lot and saw no signs of my mom or brother so I figured I would start the three mile walk home.

I checked my phone to see that my brother hadn't  responded to my message. I figured that was fine though because he never responded to anyone. Then he would message you back hours later and be random.

What concerned me however, was the fact that my mom didn't leave a message or text me that she was running late. That wasn't like her at all. It got me thinking that maybe she got called away on an assignment and left the job of picking me up from school to Kallum, my brother. If that was true, I would be waiting for the Earth to explode because my idiot brother never picks me up. 

As I began the walk home, I noticed that the sky was getting darker and darker. I quickly pulled out my phone and clicked on the weather app so see that we were supposed to be getting heavy rains soon. Great. Just wonderful. 

I exited out of the weather app and opened my contacts. I scrolled through them and stopped when I reached Kallum. I hit call and brought my phone to my ear. It rang five times before going to voicemail. Figures he wouldn't answer. 

I rolled my eyes and locked my phone before placing it back in my shorts pocket. I looked up at the sky once more before I began walking a bit faster. 

Shortly after leaving the school I felt the first drop of rain. I was almost at the mall where I could go and wait for either Kallum to call me back or for the rain to stop. 

I was about to step into the dryness of the mall when someone grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. I whirled around and came face to face with Kallum. 

"Kallum you idiot! You scared me! What are you doing here?" I yelled at him over the rain, which had gotten extremely loud in the past few minutes. 

"I was here with Holly. I didn't realize that I was supposed to pick you up or that it was even raining. Mom told me this morning she would pick you up." He answered looking sorry for not knowing. 

"Whatever. I want to go look around for a job at a store or something. I'll call you when I'm done." I grumbled. 

He nodded his head and walked towards the food court. I followed him inside but walked instead past the food court and towards the actual stores. I figured I would go into the new store that just opened because they were bound to need some new employees. 

After finding the store, Mystery, I walked inside and looked around. It was a clothing store. It would be perfect to work at. I looked at the counter and saw that no one was currently there so I figured I would browse a little bit while I waited for someone to show up. 

After about ten minutes of looking around I had found a shirt that I really liked. I picked it up and walked towards the counter. I leaned against the counter as I waited for someone to come help me. I glanced around at the empty store and wondered why no one else was in here. 

I was starting to get creeped out so I left the shirt on the counter and walked towards the door. I turned around the bend to go out the door but it was shut. I grabbed onto the handle and tried to pull it open but it was locked. I gulped and tried again. 

Still nothing. I walked back into the actual store part and saw someone at the counter finally.

"Oh! Sir! Your door is locked and I can't get out!" I called out to him. 

He looked up and I saw his smirk that told me I was in trouble. He picked up a gas mask from under the counter and put it on before pressing a button on the wall. 

I screamed as a weird smell began to fill the store. I moved towards the door but I was slowly fading away. I fell to my knees and I tried to crawl away from this man but he grabbed my feet and dragged me back into the store. I cried out one more time as I felt my body go numb but my mind still completely there. 

He smiled at me through his mask as he pressed the button again and the weird smell began to disappear.  He picked me up around my stomach as he began to half drag half carry me towards the back of the store. 

Once we reached the back room he dumped me on the floor next to the door to go to the back of the building which was supposed to be used for emergencies. Like escaping the situation I was currently in. That is, if I could escape it. 

I stared at the door as I tried with all my strength to move my hand, but the most I could do was twitch my finger. I was stuck here until this man picked me back up.  I saw him grabbing a blanket and some keys before opening the door, barely missing my head as it swung open. I watched as he opened the back of the truck that was parked outside the door. He then put the blanket down on the seat and looked around before coming to pick me up. 

He picked me up bridal style and brought me over to the truck. I closed my eyes and prayed that someone would help me now. I had so much going for me. I was graduating in three days. I needed my diploma. I was accepted into Princeton University. I had the perfect boyfriend. And now I was being kidnapped in broad daylight. 

I was placed on the back seat and he gave me an apologetic look before he shut the truck door and went to go close the back door to the store. After he closed the door he hopped into the truck and began driving to wherever he was taking me. 

After about an hour and a half of being in the back seat the man stopped the truck and opened the door. He picked me up and carried me towards a plane. I felt a tear slide down my cheek and I began to wonder if anyone knew I was missing yet. 

He placed me down on the couch sitting up and he buckled up a seat belt and a strap to keep me sitting up in the seat. I looked at him with angry eyes and he looked sorry as he went up to the pilot and began to talk to him. 

A few minutes later a new man walked onto the plane. He immediately looked over at me with a surprised look. He froze in the doorway and looked towards where the first man and the pilot were talking. I noticed a girl behind him and she looked pissed off until she noticed me. 

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