Chapter 6

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"I can do this Howard. Just chill." I growled as the three of us sat in the car outside the FBI headquarters at 5 am. 

"Well last night you got distracted. So I think I have every right to be concerned that you cant complete this job." He shot back annoyed.

I rolled my eyes and motioned for Kieran to get out of the car, I stepped out right  after he did and I slammed the car door. 

Kieran and I then walked towards the doors of the building. I swiped the card and heard the faint beep signaling the doors were unlocked. I quickly opened the door and pushed Kieran through. We then had to stay out of the security cameras view as we made our way across the lobby to the elevator

"Follow me exactly. Stay right behind me. And stay quiet." I said quietly. He nodded and we were off. I led him through all the blind spots and within a minute we were in the elevator going up to my mothers floor. This is where it got tricky. 

"Again. Stay right behind me. We can't be seen. Once we reach my mothers office we will be safe because its a one way mirror so we can see if someones coming but no one can see inside." I said as the elevator stopped. We stepped out and I hurried towards the pit where all the desks were. We would have to make it across there without being seen by anyone or any cameras. 

I crept towards the wall and slid along the wall occasionally stopping. I knew Kieran was right behind me because I could hear his soft footsteps. We reached the first door and I stopped and counted to five. I flew across the opening and ran towards the next door. Kieran did the same ten seconds later. 

I opened the door and I went in. Kieran followed me and shut the door behind us. I grabbed his wrist and led him through the dark room to another door which would lead to a hallway going into my moms office. I opened that door and pushed Kieran through it before shutting it. I ran down the hall counting the doors as I passed them. When I got to the 7th door I stopped. I took a big breath and pushed it open. 

I walked in and flicked on the lights before gasping loudly. 

"What?" Kieran growled from behind me 

"Hello Blake." The person said as Kieran came to stand next to me. 

"Shit." I heard from next to me. 

"Hi mom." I said quietly. 

"Care to explain what this is?" She asked as she stood up from her desk. 

"I... What do you mean?" I asked slowly. 

"I mean, how the hell are you still alive?" She growled angrily. 


"You just went missing out of no where! We all thought you were dead! We had a funeral for you Blake! Then one night you show up in the house, steal my building access card, and then break into my office the next morning! I would really like to know what the hell went on! Considering you are not harmed, and your clearly not being forced to do this!" She shouted. I heard footsteps approaching the room. I looked out and saw Howard walking towards the office. 

"Mom, I was kidnapped at first. When they were going to let me go, everyone already thought I was dead. I had nothing if I came back. So I stayed." I said calmly. I heard the door shut and my mom looked up at the person who was now in the room. 

"Who the hell are these two men Blake?" She asked annoyed. 

"Mom, this is Howard, and Kieran. Howard is my boss, and Kieran is my partner." I answered, smiling at Howard. 

"Partner?" My mother growled.

"Not like that! He's married! I work with him!" I shouted in a panicked voice.

"Ok good. I was going to be very angry." She said, calming down slightly. 

"Ms Lloyd, I kidnapped your daughter. She is now an assassin, or an agent. Depending on what the job calls for. When she was kidnapped, she had to sign a two year contract with me, and if she did, I promised her that she was free to do whatever she pleased after those two years. She chose to stay with our group. She is able to come and go as she pleases. She was afraid of how you and your son would react to her when she came back. That's why she didnt come back." Howard spoke to my mom as he came to stand next to us. I shot him a pained look. 

"I don't even know how to react to this. Blake, why didnt you come back when you could?" My mom asked hurt.

"I did. I went to my funeral." I said softly. 

She looked upset. I moved closer to her and wrapped my arms around her slowly. 

"I'm so sorry mom." I whispered into her shoulder. She hesitated for a second before returning the hug. 

We stayed that way for about five minutes before I gently pulled away and stepped back. 

"Mom, we have to scan a letter for fingerprints. Theres a boy who's life is in danger, and need to see if their's finger prints on this letter so we can save his life." I said. I pulled the letter out of my pocket and handed it to her. 

"Is that why you three are here?" She asked. 

"Yes. We were planning on scanning the letter, and then leaving the access card on your desk."

"Well lets scan this letter then." My mom said happily. She had always wanted me to follow in her footsteps. I just don't think she wanted it to be in this way.

Five hours later, and we had finally found one finger print. The mans name was Judd Everly. He lived in England, about a half hour away from where our headquarters are. Now, it would just take some time for us to find out a little bit more about him so we would know what we were up against. 

I knew that would take a few days, so we decided that I would get to know the band, and Kieran would do research in the database's to find out more about this man. We were currently on our way to the airport. My mom had been upset when we had to go.

It was a teary goodbye, and my mother had been reluctant to let me leave. The only way she let me go, was if I promised that after this assignment, I would come back and visit. I promised her I would. It is hard to say goodbye to my mother  after three years, but this time I knew that I would see her again.

"We need to get back to England. We can't tell Simon that we know who has the boy yet. Blake, tomorrow, you are going to introduce yourself to the band, and get them to like you. Find out everything you can about Louis, and report back to us. What you find out could save this boy." Howard said as the three of us boarded our jet. Soon enough we were on our way back to England.


Hey guys! So i know this is probably really short but its the best i can do right now. I've got finals starting next friday and ive got two essays, a huge project, three tests next week, and I just am swamped with school work. 

Also I've been trying to find a job so that is making updating harder. 

If you guys comment asking me to update, that will push me to update sooner. 

so please comment and vote and fan so I know that people are reading! 

Picture on the side is Jessi Lloyd! -------------------------------------------->

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