Chapter 2

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Third person POV

"Agent Lloyd. There's someone here to see you."

 Jessi Lloyd looked up from the file she was going and looked into the eyes of one of the police officers that worked at the police station she was currently in.

 "Okay send them in." She answered warily. She closed the case file and stood up, leaning against the wall behind the desk and took a sip of her coffee. She watched as two police officers and a detective from her home town came into the room.

 "Hello Agent. My name is Detective Bentley. Ma'am, do you know where you son Blake is?" The detective asked her. Her eye twitched in annoyance.

 "My daughter."

 "Pardon?" The man asked her.

 "My daughter’s name is Blake you fool."

 The man’s eyes widened in realization. "Oh. I'm so sorry for my mistake."

 "Yeah whatever. What is this about?" Jessi asked hurriedly.

 "Your son Kallum was at the mall earlier where he ran into your daughter. She told him that she was going to look for a job and that she would call him when she was done. She never called him. So he searched the entire mall, and called her multiple times and he couldn't find her. He says that her not answering the phone is what made him call the police. So here we are. Do you know where your daughter could be?" The detective finished with an annoyed look on his face.

 "Of course not!" Jessi exclaimed.

 "Is there any possibility that Blake ran away?" One of the officers standing with the detective asked.

 "Absolutely not. My daughter would never run away. If she is missing then someone took. She is graduating in three days. She has been looking forward to this her whole life! She's going to be attending Princeton in the fall!! So no she would not just run away!" Jessi finished, and by the end of her rant she was yelling.

 The detective was about to say something when his phone rang. He quickly fished it out of his suit pocket and answered it.

 "Hello? ... Are you sure? ... What was in it? .... Okay. ... Yes I'm with the mother. ... Alright. Keep looking for more things." The detective said. He put his phone back in his pocket before looking back at the furious Agent.

 "What did they find?" Jessi growled.

 "They found Blake's backpack behind the mall by a shop door.  Everything was in there. Her phone, her wallet, her license, her school stuff, and her house keys." He answered gravely.

 "So what are they doing now?" She asked.

 "They are searching for more clues. They brought your son in for questioning." He answered her as he dismissed the two officers who had come with him.

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