Chapter 5

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"Are you sure you can do this?" Howard asked me as the two of us sat in a rental car outside my mothers house. I just sat their numbly. After two years I was home again, back in the united states. But sadly, I wasnt staying. I was only breaking into my house and stealing my mothers FBI headquarters acess card. 

"Yeah, I can do it. I just hope either no one is home, or they are asleep." I murmured as I began to mentally prepare myself for being inside my home. 

"Alright. Well if I see anyone pull up I'll call you and warn you so you can get out or hide." He said. I laughed and looked over at him. 

"Dude, my moms an FBI agent. She's going to know right away that someone was in the house. If she comes home while I'm in their I'm screwed." I said seriously. 

"True. Just please be quick and don't leave anything out of place. And dont get distracted Blake." He said as I opened the car door. I nodded once before stepping out and quietly shutting the door. I pulled they key to my house out of my pocket and looked at it. 

Taking a deep breath I started up towards the front door. I held my breath as I put the key in the lock and turned it. It opened and I slowly opened the door. 

I paused for a moment before I stepped into my house and shut the door softly. I glanced around to see a perfect house. I walked softly towards the back of our house where my mothers office is. I stopped outside the door and glanced at my brothers closed door. I could faintly hear his snores coming from inside his room and I cracked a smile at that. 

I opened my moms office door and looked around. It looked alot more dusty since the last time I saw it. I hurried over to the desk and pulled open her drawer. Sure enough, her purse was in there.I pulled that out of the drawer and unzipped it. On top of all of her stuff was her two acess cards. I quickly grabbed one of them before I slid it back into the drawer where I got it. I walked towards the door and exited the room.

I walked over to my brothers room and put my ear against the door. I heard his snores still so I opened it a crack and slipped into his room. I ran my fingers over the posters he had hanging on his wall still. I smiled as my gaze landed on the framed picture he had of the two of us a week before I was taken. I felt a tear slip down my cheek as I saw this. I looked over at my sleeping brother and smiled at how peaceful he looked. I walked over to him and kissed his forehead before grabbing one of his hats that he wouldnt miss and leaving the room. 

Next I made my way over to my moms room. I opened the door a crack and saw the movement of her chest telling me that she was asleep. I entered the room and walked over to her. I saw the pictures of me next to her bed that she always had. There was one of me sitting in the hospital with ten stitches in my forehead and I was holding up my cast covered wrist with a huge smile on my face. I had been twelve and somehow I managed to crash my fourwheeler into a tree and break my wrist and need stitches. 

My mother had been hysterical when Kallum carried me through the doorway. I had been laughing at the time, until we got to the hospital and they started messing around with my wrist. Then the pain really hit me and I began screaming and crying. When that picture was taken they had just finished putting the cast on and my mom was signing me out. Kallum had taken the picture as a reminder of my first hospital trip. 

I looked away from the picture and my eyes landed on our Christmas Card from when I was seven. It was special because it was the last Christmas we spent as a family. Two months after that picture was taken, my father died. I felt my eyes water at the picture and I quickly blinked them away. 

I then looked at my mother. She looked troubled, almost conflicted. She had a tear rolling down her cheek and I assumed she was having a bad dream. I kissed her forehead and for a second I thought that I heard her breathing hitch but before I could fully assess it, it was back to the way it was before. I quickly looked around and scurried out of the room before shutting the door quietly. 

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