Chapter 7 - birthday presents and lies

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Evelyns POV 

--weeks later --

Things were going marvelous, I'm pretty sure I was falling in love or was in love. Everything he was and everything we were together fascinated me. The second bonfire went smoothly, everyone from the first bonfire had come except Sarah and Allison. Ashton had taken me to the movies, we had gone parasailing together which was an interesting...experience considering I was terrified and amazed all in one. 

In the back of my mind, there was always that anxiety of starting school again, but I would push that thought to the deepest parts of my mind and hide it there until I had to face it. Jax was always around, he was angrier than when I first met him and I couldn't understand what had changed. I don't think Ashton noticed and if he did, he didn't speak on it. Ashton and I weren't officially dating yet but that's where it looked like it was heading, I just kept wondering what he was waiting for to ask me out. 

I decide I've pondered enough and get up to ask my brother why I haven't seen Arlo, his best friend in such a long time. When I walk in I am left wide-eyed at what's going on in front of me. 

"JESUS YOU GUYS CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER TO LOCK THE DOOR," I SCREAM. My brother and Sadie were making out on the floor and I almost had a stroke witnessing it. Well, now she doesn't have to hide it anymore. My goodness. 

"Oh my God, YOU TOLD ME SHE WASN'T HOME," Sadie says as she pushes my brother away. 

"Babe you were never going to tell her, so I just made it easier for you," Ayden says throwing his hands up. 

"Yeah, because this way was SO much better ON HER BIRTHDAY, Jesus Ayden." She exclaims getting up and walking out of his room, slamming the door in the process. She gives me an apologetic look. 

"Sadie, I promise I don't care. The only thing that bothered me is that you told the girls before you told me." I say softly, grabbing her hand and pulling her into my room to sit on my couch. She looks so embarrassed, so I smile at her. 

"Listen I think you guys look great together, just for the love of GOD please lock the door next time." We start giggling as girls do when they're in love and she promises, laughing. 

"Well, now that, that's out of the way. The masquerade is in an hour, the girls are coming over in twenty minutes. Show me the dress you got today and oh I have your present in your brother's room." She squeals delighted.

 Oh God, for some reason I get so awkward on birthdays. Everything is set up downstairs, my parents ordered a huge cake. I chose a masquerade theme because that way I can hide behind my mask and just sneak away with Ashton. My heart begins to beat rapidly at the thought of seeing him again, he started a new internship at his dad's company so I haven't seen a lot of him this week. I had to beg my parents no party planners for this, and after some pouting my mom agreed. 

I stand up and walk over to my closet, grab the dress that is completely wrapped in plastic, and zip it down to show Sadie. I picked a long, navy blue dress with rhinestones going down the neckline. The mask was intricately detailed in a black and blue hue with a black ribbon to tie it in the back. 

"Wow Eve, it's stunning." Sadie gushes. She ran to my brother's room and back to mine completely ignoring him which made me chuckle. Her dress was a dark red shade with a red and black mask to match. I gasped at the beauty of it. 

"Now for your present! Close your eyes right now." She orders, amused. I do what she says and feel a cold chain-like object enclose around my wrist. "Open," She says. 

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