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Freddie and Carly faced the bittersweet challenge of preparing for parenthood while dealing with the recent loss of Freddie's father. Amidst the joy and anticipation for Grace's arrival, they found themselves navigating the delicate task of organizing funeral arrangements for Freddie's dad. The emotional rollercoaster tested their resilience as a couple, bringing both tears and moments of unexpected strength. Balancing the sorrow of saying goodbye to one chapter of life with the hopeful anticipation of welcoming a new family member, Freddie and Carly discovered the profound intertwining of life's highs and lows.

Carly gently approached Freddie, concern etched across her face.

Carly: "Freddie, what's wrong? Why are you in tears?"

Freddie took a deep breath, trying to compose himself.

Freddie: "It's just... I can't shake the pain of losing my dad. And now, with all these funeral arrangements, it feels like a mountain to climb."

Carly: "Freddie, I know it's incredibly hard. Losing someone you love is never easy. We're in this together, though. You don't have to face it alone."

Freddie nodded, appreciating Carly's support.

Freddie: "I just miss him so much. And with Grace on the way, it's a mix of emotions I can't quite handle."

Carly wrapped her arms around Freddie, offering comfort.

Carly: "It's okay to feel overwhelmed. Your dad would want us to be strong for each other and for Grace. We'll get through this together."

Freddie wiped away a tear, grateful for Carly's understanding.

Freddie: "You're right. We'll honor my dad's memory and be the best parents we can be for Grace."

Carly smiled reassuringly.

Carly: "And we'll cherish the memories of your dad together. He may not be physically here, but his love will always be a part of our family."

Freddie nodded, finding solace in Carly's words as they faced the emotional journey ahead.

Carly emerged from the kitchen with a tray of breakfast, finding Freddie still in the bedroom. She walked over and set the tray on the bedside table.

Carly: "I made you breakfast. Thought it might help a bit."

Freddie managed a small smile, touched by Carly's gesture.

Freddie: "Thanks, Carly. You always know how to take care of me."

Carly sat on the edge of the bed, her concern lingering.

Carly: "I hate seeing you like this, Freddie. We'll get through it, okay? And for now, let's focus on taking care of each other."

Freddie nodded, appreciating Carly's unwavering support.

Freddie: "I'm lucky to have you by my side."

Carly leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on Freddie's forehead.

Carly: "We're a team, Freddie. Remember that. Now eat up, and I'll be right outside if you need anything."

She left Freddie in the room, giving him some space to process his emotions.

Freddie quietly thanked her, then sat alone with his thoughts, savoring the warmth of Carly's care and the aroma of breakfast that filled the room.

Freddie looked at the breakfast tray but shook his head, his frustration evident.

Freddie: "I don't want to eat right now, Carly."

Carly, concerned, sat back down beside him.

Carly: "Freddie, you need to take care of yourself. Eating is important, especially during tough times."

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