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Giyuu was waking up as he noticed Shinobu and Aoi escort Rengoku out of the room. Giyuu was curious about what was happening so he followed behind them.

Rengoku was settled into a small room so that he could rest. Shinobu left the room to go get some medicine and Aoi left to go make Rengoku some food.

As Aoi was walking to the kitchen, Giyuu stopped her.

AK: "Is everything alright mister Tomioka?"

GT: "Why did you and Shinobu take Rengoku to a different room? Is he okay?"

Aoi sighed quietly

AK: "Mister Rengoku caught a fever, nothing bad, but we changed his room so that you wouldn't catch his fever"

Tomioka nodded quietly as he was relieved that nothing too bad happened.

Aoi them excused herself as she went to the kitchen. Giyuu then decided to go check on Rengoku.

Giyuu knocked on the door. A few seconds later he heard Rengoku's voice saying "come in!"

Giyuu entered and walked over to him.

KR: "Ah, hello Tomioka! What brings you here?"

GT: "Hello, Rengoku. I just wanted to check up on you.. and I wanted to apologize for my shitty mood during the mission."

Rengoku stayed quiet for a while before chuckling

KR: "There's no need to apologize, Tomioka!"

Giyuu felt slight happy, but he didn't show it.

After that, Giyuu and Rengoku kept talking for a while before Shinobu interrupted them, she said hello to Giyuu as she left Rengoku's medicine on his nightstand. Then she excused herself again.

The room was quiet for a minute or two before Rengoku spoke up.

KR: "Hey... Uh, do you find me annoying?.."

Giyuu had a surprised look on his face as Rengoku spoke.

Giyuu didn't know what to say. Before their mission he found Rengoku extremely annoying.. but he saw that Rengoku wasn't trying to be annoying.

GT: "Uhm.. I used to think that.."

Those words hurt Rengoku more than expected. He nodded and turned away.

Giyuu noticed this and quickly started to apologize.

GT: "Wait.. I didn't mean for that to sound rude.. I just didn't want to lie to you.. but you're an amazing person and I was stupid to think that! You aren't annoying.."

Giyuu wanted to say more but he couldn't get anything out.

Rengoku didn't turn around and Giyuu knew that he should leave him alone for a bit.

He stood up but before he could walk out, Rengoku grabbed his wrist to stop him.

Giyuu was slightly scared as he didn't expect that but then he turned to face Rengoku who was smiling.

KR: "I'm glad to hear that.. I knew you found me annoying before, and I hated that.. but I didn't know what I needed to change.."

Giyuu saw his slight smile and smiled a tiny bit.

GT: "You don't need to change just for me. Everyone else loves you for who you are, and I do too"

Rengoku seemed to smile a bit more as he told Tomioka to sit down again.

They talked for a while and Tomioka started to get tired. He decided to sleep with Rengoku for the night. Giyuu sat on the spare bed beside Rengoku's bed.

A few minutes went by.. but then Rengoku said something..

KR: "I love you, Giyuu..."


That's the end of this chapter!! I'm going to be busy tdy so I'll probably post a new chapter tonight! Have a nice day and tysm for reading this!!

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