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Kanao slowly opened her eyes and turned her head slightly.. Aoi and the caterpillar girls were there. They were crying as Shinobu bandaged Kanao's wounds.

Shinobu looked up and saw Kanao awake. Her eyes widened as tears filled her eyes.

SK: "Kanao!... You're awake!"

Shinobu quickly hugged her gently as the others raised their heads. They all rushed to her and quickly hugged Kanao too.

Kanao seemed happy.. forgetting about how Rengoku had turned into a demon.

After an hour, Aoi and Shinobu had to get going as the Kamaboko squad was rushed in after their mission at the red light district.

Kanao smiled as they left.. she wanted to sleep. But she was startled by the door slamming open.

Kanao raised her head slightly to see who it was.

It was Giyuu.

He was returning from a pretty far mission. He ran all the way here once he received the news that Kanao was hurt.

GT: "Kanao!.."

Giyuu seemed out of breath. He quickly rushed over to Kanao.

KT: "Mister Tomioka.."

GT: "I've already told you.. call my Giyuu.. please"

KT: "Right... Sorry"

Giyuu seemed happy to see Kanao doing better.

GT: "I heard you were in a coma.. thank goodness it was just for three days.."

KT: "Three days?.."

GT: "Yeah.. that demon.. it might've been reaching an upper moon like rank if it was able to almost kill you..."

Kanao smiled slightly till she remembered the demon. Her breathing started speeding up as she seemed terrified. She remembered how the cheerful and kind flame hashira had turned into a sadistic and disgusting demon.

Kanao remembered how he had beaten her up.. how he mocked her for not having hashira level stamina..

She was too scared to even speak as she remembered the other demon slayers burning alive.. she wasn't fast enough to save them all from burning. Rengoku's sadistic laugh was stuck in her head.. the way he looked at her as she bled.

The look on the demon slayers when some of the villagers got killed. The way people screamed in pain and fear. She remembered how many tried calling for a hashira, only for their crows to be burnt alongside them.

Kanao finally remembered the girl who begged for her help as she ran to find Rengoku.

The girl would've been alive if Kanao had stopped listening to her coin. Kanao didn't have time to flip her coin, so she stuck to her orders.. saving the girl wasn't in her orders.. so she didn't stop to help her.

The night was full of screaming and cries for help. There were multiple bodies lying on the floor.. in the houses.. in the forest.

There was so much blood, Kanao remembered turning and seeing at least two bodies on the floor.

Kanao snapped out of it once Giyuu slightly shook her.

GT: "Kanao!"

Kanao's head shot up as she looked at Giyuu with a terrified expression.

GT: "Kanao.. Kanao are you okay?... I tried calling you five times and you didn't respond..."

KT: "Kyojuro...."

Kanao was trembling with fear as she tried speaking.

Shinobu rushed in after a few minutes since Giyuu had called for her.

SK: "Goodness Tomioka, can't you let Kanao get some re-"

Giyuu turned to face Shinobu with a weird look on his face.

KT: "Kyojuro... I saw him..."

Both giyuu and Shinobu turned to face Kanao who was still visibly terrified.

GT: "W-what.. where.. where did you see him... And when..."

Giyuu slowly started tearing up and smiling after hearing what Kanao said.

KT: "He.. he was the one attacking the village..."

Giyuu stopped smiling as he looked at Kanao. He backed up from her bed as he stared at her.

GT: "You're a liar.. Kyojuro would never hurt anybody.."

He rushed back over to her and grabbed her.


Shinobu rushed over and pushed him away. Her normal smile was gone and replaced with an angry look. Kanao had started tearing up by now due to the yelling.


Giyuu stared at them both before leaving. He seemed annoyed, his tears had returned.

He ruined his bond with Kanao just to defend Rengoku..

He ruined their bond.. for nothing. She was right about Rengoku after all.



I felt bad ruining their bond but I needed to make this chapter dramatic..

Sorry if it seems sloppy, It's currently 3am and I'm pretty tired. I wanted to post a new chapter since I was feeling pretty happy tho 😋😋😋

I'll try posting tmr as well!!

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