Sold? (once again)

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Kanao was brought to an abandoned warehouse by Kyojuro.

Kyojuro wanted to bring her to the infinity castle but the idea was immediately rejected by Kibutsuji.

Kanao laid on top of an old chest, she was unconscious. Kyojuro tied her wrists to a pillar while waiting for another demon.

After half an hour, a female demon appeared. She had shoulder length white hair and a long white kimono. She was slightly pale with yellow eyes.

AKIHIKO: "Aiko!"

The female demon entered the warehouse with a smile.

AIKO: "hello, Akihiko."

Aiko was the first female demon to catch Akihiko's eye. Not because of her beauty, but because of her stupidity.

Despite Aiko being an overconfident bitch, Akihiko put up with her since she knew a lot about demon slayers.

And Akihiko wanted to know more about a certain demon slayer.

AIKO: "Who's that young lady?"

Aiko slightly turned her head to Kanao.

Akihiko glanced at Kanao before turning to face Aiko.

AKIHIKO: "Ah... Some girl I guess... You asked me to bring you a pretty one.."

Akihiko spoke in a bored tone. He didn't mind doing Aiko favors since he knew she'd have to do him a favor.

AIKO: "Oh, right.."

Aiko walked over to Kanao before kneeling down and doing something on her lower part of her neck.

AKIHIKO: "What are you gonna do with her?"

Akihiko watched Aiko with curiosity.

AIKO: "I needed a spy."

Aiko then finished leaving a small mark in the shape of a star surrounded by vines.

AKIHIKO: "A.. spy?... Why?"

Akihiko watched as the mark started glowing, meaning it was now activated.

AIKO: "I wish to know what the slayers are planning. Plus, I need more servants... With her looks, she can bring me more men."

Aiko grinned at the thought of having low life servants working for her, serving her, and praising her.

AKIHIKO: "Why men?"

Akihiko tilted his head slightly as Aiko stood up.

AIKO: "Men are gross.. I believe they should suffer at the hands of a beauty like me."

Aiko's grin grew as Akihiko seemed bothered by the fact she said men were gross... To a man who just did her a favor.

AKIHIKO: "Alright now, don't flatter yourself hag"

Aiko rolled her eyes before picking up Kanao and leaving.

AKIHIKO: "bitch.."


I lied. I did infact NOT post once I awakened from my slumber...👅

Rlly lame chapter since I'm tired (yes, i waited till it was late to write this chapter 👅👅👅😈🤞🏼)

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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