Everyone Needs Love and Care

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What Raynare wasn't expecting was a waking up to something extremely warm. She opened her eye and saw Kaiser watching TV.

That wasn't so bad, what was bad... she was latched onto him...

"You're awake."

She shot up, startled at the voice.

"How did you know? And how did I get here??"

"I could hear your heartbeat increase the moment you woke. As for how? I made you food, you passed out, then for some reason decided to use me as a pillow."

Raynare noticed something, her wings didn't hurt... didn't sting... didn't feel stiff or sore...

"My wings..."

"You were heavily conked out. Like the last time you slept was months ago, took the time to care for your wings. You had broken feathers, wounds still hurting, and tensed Latissimus Dorsi muscles. Your arms should be able to move without pain now. Also took the time to properly groom your wings. Clean as a whistle now."

Speechless... that's all she was.. no one not even the church would be this kind.. if any of them found her passed out they would.. but he didn't... he helped her... why??

Raynare did something she hadn't done in decades. She cried.

"I don't... I don't know what to say..."

"Well, first we are going to eat. You've been out all day. Then you're going to start from the beginning on why Issei was nearly killed and why you came to me despite knowing the risk."

"So... let me get this straight: You have been metaphorically chained by the neck by someone to do shit against your will. Your friend Kalawarner is held too. And you came to me because I nearly killed you for help? And I missing anything?"

She finished her second serving of spaghetti.

"Yes.. I know you might have a hard time-"

"All ya had to do was ask sooner."


"Ray, do you know what I do on a daily basis in Terra? This, what you're asking me, is literally the easiest thing imaginable. And-"

Knock Knock Knock

"You expecting friends Ray?"

She shook her head.

Kaiser walked to the front door. Familiar energy, if he had to guess on the spot: Rias and Sirzechs. Lo and Behold it was them.

"Ah if it isn't my favorite two Redheads. And with no Grayfia? What's it you need?"

"Can we come in? Would rather not speak in the open."

He motioned then to come in, even offered them food since he had plenty. What both of them saw was not what they were expecting: Raynare the fallen angel, eating at Kaisers counter.

Rias readied some magic

"Raynare?!? I demand to know what you are doing to Kaiser!"

"I agree with my sister. It be best to explain."


His voice... carried enough weight and power behind it to stop the world. When he walked back into the kitchen, he stood in front of Rias and... plucked the energy ball she was forming, making it dissipate.

"I will not have a guest in my house be threatened. I am my own person, I let you both in, offered you food, and this? Is how I'm repaid? Sirzech. Lucifer or not if you so much as harm a feather on her I will tear the underworld apart. Am I understood?"

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